Three Bullet Thursday - 20231116
#ThreeBulletThursday - Raising the Tide of Continuous Improvement and Applied Knowledge in Personal Life and Business. If this was insightful to you, please repost/share. #Inspiration #Leadership
Friday Nov 17, 2023, SpaceX aims to launch it's Starship+Booster combo, with hot staging (where the 2 parts don't wait for separation, but the starship fires up before separation). This, they figure, nets roughly an extra 10% velocity. They are still leading the charge toward mars, testing, failing, refining, and making each next step an improvement over the next. Excitement is guaranteed.
There are some interesting patterns that show up in the books that I read. Parallel perspectives from numerous sources. You may have heard things like "You have to change to change" or "Change your Beliefs", but does that really resonate? It may be true, but if I ask most folks, I'll get a deer in the headlights look back. Contained in these 3 links are the "how". Some will say visualize. That doesn't go far enough. The connection that Mike Dooley, Maxwell Maltz make is the depth of that visualization. It's really immersing yourself in a mental simulation, in a state of relaxation. What this does, is bring more self awareness. Turns down the noise of the everything is an emergency external world. The level of immersion is key. Seeing yourself, and more importantly, feeling the emotions of that future moment so it records in the body itself. Literally, experiencing that future moment in a simulation. Why? The brain is built to record past events, in order to react for safety in the future. With the simulation, you are recording a future state, and consequently, the body will start to react/respond automatically in the direction of that future state. It will know how to respond based on the details of your immersion simulation. What is important is the level of depth in that simulation. Maybe its a vacation destination, can you see yourself at the beach? The sand collecting on your toes? Who are you there with? What conversations are being had? Was there a sun umbrella? etc. It's not putting "Hawaii" up on a board, but diving into a simulation. The counterpoint to watch for is the brain will also work against you as a negative feedback engine if you feed it negative items. I failed is different than I am a failure. So if feeding your brain, feed it the appropriate details in a simulation so your brain can work for you. If you shift yourself, it empowers you, and consequently empowers others to shift.
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
(Time saving, fair exchange of value link)
Manifesting Change - Mike Dooley
(Time saving, fair exchange of value link)
Joe Dispenza - Morning 35 minute meditation (This is a good place to start turning down the volume of noise around you, listening to self, and shifting)
Rocket lab is working on testing a new 3d printed hypersonic drone. I'd call it fun with scramjets. Hypersonic puts it up above 5x the speed of sound. Probably not a factor in our everyday life yet, but opens some new doors.
*(Inspiration/What I WANT to be reading)
The authors of the Expanse are releasing a new series, not based on the Expanse. The Mercy of Gods. It's not out yet, but if has the same depth and richness the Expanse had, should be a really good storyline to get lost in. Will be watching for this.
*(Inspiration) - The Quantum Drive
Newtons First Law says it should not work. (Equal and Opposite forces). Yet, with a purely electric drive, lab tests show some interesting results. Is the lab a variable in the mix? Earth gravity in the mix? Well, the only way to find out is to send it to space and remove the variables, so they did. The goal of sending the quantum drives to space is to raise their orbit, and lower it, predictably. Interesting tech to watch. If it plays out, it changes how we can move through space, without all the baggage of fuel.
*(Bonus Bullet)
When the external begins to define the internal, instead of the internal defining the external, one begins living as a mortal rather than as a god.
Trust me, as a god is better.
The Universe -- Mike Dooley, Manifesting Change