Three Bullet Thursday - 20231005
#ThreeBulletThursday - Raising the Tide of Applied Knowledge and Continuous Improvement in Personal Life and Business. If this was insightful to you, please repost/share. #Inspiration #Leadership
*(Inspiration / Words Matter)
Yes, here we are, another chapter of "words matter". The words we use and the definitions around them, the common standard, is imperative in clear communication. If words have different meanings or are assigned different meanings than a common standard, it muddies the waters.
Recently, I've heard build a following and build a community, used almost synonymously. So lets dive in.
Community vs. Following
1 -- a unified body of individuals: such as
a: the people with common interests living in a particular area broadly : the area itself, the problems of a large community
b: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society, a community of retired persons, a monastic community
c: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society, the academic community, the scientific community
d: a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests, the international community
e: a group linked by a common policy
f: an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (such as species) in a common location
2 --
a: a social state or condition, The school encourages a sense of community in its students.
b: joint ownership or participation, community of goods
c: common character : LIKENESS, community of interests
d: social activity : FELLOWSHIP
3 --
a: society at large, the interests of the community
1: being next in order or time, the following day
2, : listed or shown next, trains will leave at the following times
2: a group of followers, adherents, or partisans
3: preposition: SUBSEQUENT TO: following the lecture tea was served
What does your intuition and emotional resonance take away from those two definitions? If you're a leader, someone who inspired, influences through education or enlightenment, what are you looking for? Followers? (Feels like a number, and has limited resonance to me). Community? (Feels like a common cause, an area to build collaboration around, able to stand on the shoulders of others successes, ability to make an impact beyond an individual). Who do you want to be? Who do you want to impact? Who do yo want to serve? Who do you want around you and in what capacity? Follower? or Community? Quality questions for Introspection!
*(What I'm Reading) - Psycho-Cybernetics - by Maxwell Maltz
I'm sure the first thought here might be robotics or AI, but hang with me.
Cybernetics: The science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)
So, it's not just robots, or AI, but automatic control systems like ourselves, our brain, yes, Brain Science. Maxwell Maltz spent a lot of time studying the human condition, ability to shift, and heal, with changes in mindset, and how it impacts the body and actions. He has a host of proven studies in the book to help show the effectiveness.
We don't necessarily have to understand why, but simply that how and what occurs can be leveraged. The brain is here to protect us, to survive, first and foremost, but we were also gifted the ability to strategize. The survival aspect allows us to move towards (benefit) or away from things (danger/risk). Automatically, based on experiences. I'll repeat, Automatically. I'll come back to that in a moment.
The brain, can also run simulations. We can visualize where we want to be, why we want to be there, but this isn't about vision boards. This is about really getting into the imagination, the simulation, with details. Remember, the one second decision the other week from David Goggins? His body is in the cold ocean, freezing, shivering, amidst his peers, but his thoughts are of him, standing on the beach, next to the drill sergeant, with a warm cup of coffee, over seeing the sunrise. He's running a simulation. The body may be complaining, but he's mentally, in another place. Maxwell shows, the brain doesn't know the difference between the place we take our brain, or the reality around us. It's all just signals. Now, I'm sure you've seen the rah rah guru's and they say "visualize", but what they don't explain, is what Maxwell does. One has to get into the details, the deep deep details in the simulation you build. If you're David Goggins, notice the grains of sand on the beach, notice how the sun peaks out from the cloud, the steam coming off the cup of coffee.
Let's put it all together. If there is a place you want to be in life, it has to be more than an image. It has to be constructed with deep detail. If you want to be a great public speaker, imagine the stage, the audience, the people in suits in the audience, what ties they have, the podium, maybe your note cards, how big the airspace is, how you present, the motions of your arm to guide the audience to a visual slide, how you walk about on the stage, the construction of the stage floor, etc. The meditation and visualization around that set the stage for where the brain/body autonomous systems will then take you. Repeat the process daily. Then allow the automatic aspects of the machine help get you there. Less force.
We've all heard - "I think, there for I am". Some have used that statement related to manifesting their life. The key, according to Maxwell Maltz, is the depth of the thinking, the simulation, and the detail within it.
I invite you to read this.
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
*(Inspiration / Learning / Money)
A buddy of mine turned me onto these tools.
This combo has opened up trading insights like seeing behind the scenes in the movie The Matrix. LuxAlgo is very powerful, and if you dive into it, you'll probably turn on every cool thing there is, aaaand... confuse yourself. Which is OK!! It's part of learning. The next step though, is simplification, and suddenly, one can start to "see" things, setup rules effectively, manage emotion, and allow the setups to come to you. The other exceptional part, is they have an actual COMMUNITY, to help and support you, as well as allow you to support others.
If you pursue this as part of your investing path, I also recommend:
Trading Discipline:
(This is a must before diving in. This will help offset dopamine and emotion in trading, which will be your downfall if not managed)
The Mark Douglass videos 1/7 through 7/7 - has some great insights around psychology and an edge.
*(Inspired Life)
Maybe you feel stuck. Maybe you're meant for more. If you'd like some clarity in your life, this path has provided insight works for me. It's an opportunity to understand your values, why you do what you do, and how to shift from reactive toward empowered & balanced progress in health, wealth, and your personal interactions. You can pay for it in time, or pay down the time tax of ignorance with some $. Is it hard work, hell yeah! You're going to dig into areas of yourself that won't feel good, but you're going to neutralize the emotional hold it has on you that is holding you back. Maybe this is for you, maybe not, and that is Ok.
*(Bonus Bullet)
“Everyone wants the selfie on top of Mount Everest. No one actually wants to climb it. Get excited about the climb and not the selfie… and you’ll get your selfie.” -- Alex Becker