Threats to a Sustainable World
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_c. Planet Earth is dying because of our undying needs. Lets take cognizance of this grave situation before its too late.

Threats to a Sustainable World

What's the fuss about SUSTAINABILITY?

I get up fine, have a cup of my morning cha/coffee, do my work, eat good food, have fun with friends and family, plan weekend getaways…it's a happy life that I lead. As cliché as it sounds…to me this is the perfect life scenario…errr…Hopefully!

So, how does this constant chatter on ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ really impact me or my near ones?

Well…A #sustainableworld is a #future that can hold on to our acts for a little more time. It is an aspirational world that can hold on to the #naturalreserves a bit more, it is a world which allows us all to breathe for some more years, provide us with food that we can eat, allow us an environment that we can live in…and so on. Its a world where we believe survival of the living beings will be as convenient as it could be and should be without compromising on essentials…and perhaps un-essentials also.

Precisely, it is a world where all our needs could be met without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs.

Now that might seem really simple and perhaps easily manageable to many of you reading this piece, but lets all be informed that this aspirational sustainable world is facing grave THREATS…

What's Endangering a #sustainableworld?

From where we all stand today, there are innumerable unprecedented threats to a sustainable world. And, we must all rise up from the slumber to pay heed to the crying and dying world by learning about the threats, doing our bit to create an impact (in every small way possible), and spreading the word.

Imminent Threats

  1. Climate Change:?for centuries now, humans have relied heavily on the limited stock of fossil fuels. Its like we have been dancing along while digging our own graves. The constant depletion of natural resources like the forest cover has had far reaching impacts on climate around the world. Constantly increasing temperatures have resulted in melting oceans and submerging low lying areas, all around the world. Every year many nations witness unprecedented rainfalls and droughts because the rainfall patterns have altered. Our greed to grab and use has tilted the balance further away from us. The rising demon of carbon emissions from our factories, roads, and homes is creating massive holes in the protective cover of earth's atmosphere. There is no where to run and hide. We have one home and the home is burning! Where will we go?

Educate yourself on the Climate Change issue via?The Glasgow Climate Change Report.

2. Depleting Resources: our constant desire to grab more than what we require, every single day of the year has put us in a spot. Let's be mindful that natural replacement can't cope up with the pace of our demands. We are constantly over consuming water and forest resources, all the while contaminating and eroding the #soil. The soil that's depleted of its natural nutrients can't produce more for our consumption. Its a vicious cycle that we have entered into. Read more on how we are?Gobbling Up the Earth's Resources at an Unsustainable Rate

3. Deforestation:?UN reports?suggest that every year we eat up 10 million hectares of forest area. A lot more than what's required for human existence. Sadly, just about half of that is replanted and lesser cared for. Did you know that forests are home to over 80% of world's terrestrial Biodiversity, with over more than 60,000 species of trees. No forests mean, we have no amour to fight the harmful greenhouse gases. No #forests also mean there is nothing to hold on to the fertile soil that we need to grow our food, it also means there is no defense to various #environmentalstresses that come along with. And, it also means no food!

4.?#Pollution:?One of the significant environmental stressors that arise from deforestation is pollution. The swanky cars and private jets release poisonous gases which cloud the same air that we breathe.

Let's be mindful that polluted air doesn't distinguish between the haves and have nots. Same goes for the humongous #plasticwaste flooding our #rivers and #oceans. We are actually united in breathing and drinking the same poison together!

A world which purchases 1 million plastic bottles every minute, sadly, can't recycle as much- a report by?Plastic Soup Foundation. With every #PET bottle that we purchase, we are choking the Oceans and the streets and the streams, and severely impacting the #Biodiversity and all prospects for a #sustainableworld.

With my foray into #entrepreneurship, I have launched?Cap2o- Self-Sterilizing, Sustainable #SmartWaterBottles made of SS 304. Firstly, they provide us all a great alternative to the PET plastic bottles that promise #purewater while also inducting over 94 microplastic particles in your body, per liter of water( refer report by?Statista). But, the in-built UVC-technology in #Cap2O bottles disintegrate the DNA of all harmful #bacteria and #pathogens to give you all 99.99% pure-germ free water within 5 minutes.

There are many many more of us rising up and doing our bit for our ecology and the planet. Read about five women ecoprenuers?here.

5.?Loss of Biodiversity:?There's no explaining on how?plants, animals, forests, and oceans are immensely important for human survival. We are, because they are! But, our greed has stretched far beyond our essential requirements resulting in permanent depletion of different plant and animal species. Causes being intensive and excessive agriculture, unsustainable fishing practices, poaching, climate change, acid rain, deforestation and more. Grave impacts on biodiversity lead to famines, impacting livelihoods, causing migration and even socio-political conflicts.

Please be mindful that everything that's mentioned here is just the tip of an iceberg. While we can all act lay and lazy and unconcerned TODAY, there will come a stage when we might not have a future to play a different role, even if we want to!

So let's rise up to the challenges today and try to reverse the harms collectively. Every single effort, from every single one of us is extremely important and hopefully takes us a step closer to a #sustainableworld .

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