Is there a threat USA to be left without resources

The history of capitalism is the history of expansion, expansion of new territories, people, resources. That is made with wars that comes to the Marx: “Capitalism can’t survive without militarism”. When this flow stops to deliver, then the capitalist system will stop to exist.

At the moment the USA is trying in any possible way to continue that expansion. First, trying to put the resources of Europe in own service with the expansion of NATO in more countries, and the new military bases. Second, if possible to take the working hand of the whole world. Third, to continue buy cheap resources from the rest of the world.

The expansion of NATO in Europe and the war in Ukraine had another effect than the effect of destroying Russia. It brought the resources of Europe under the total control of the USA and banning the cheap energy from East, reduced their production and their living standards that is turning them into poor nations. Also, some population, like Ukrainians, was transferred over the ocean.

If you look at the geography textbooks from the middle school in the USA about the resume of China, you can still read that China is a place of cheap labor for the USA. Believe me my embarrassment when my little kid was reading that to a friend from China, who was really very educated person with Master degree of economics from American University.

But the situation is totally different. ?China is not so cheap labor as it used to be. And they are the ones who are taking American brains or at least American knowledge abroad. China is not allowing their people even to hold American citizenship if they live in China. And our friend is also working in China, as most of the Chinese students who graduated in the USA.

Cheap labor is coming to the USA from all over the world and that tendency will continue but will they be willing to work cheap labor, as they have done in their countries. It is true that the money gained in the USA is higher than in other countries, but the price of living entirely compensate the higher earnings. The American population is turned into slaves literally with 15 dollars an hour as is in NYC. With that payment you are forever slave because can’t afford to pay rent and depend on the government to provide a place of living and hardly can pay food with the rest of the money. American dream is dead. It is only for the 1% of the population who want to turn the rest of us into slaves. The city of NY is not more offering low-income apartments for sale as before 30% of the buildings. People without house are people with a suitcase, slaves. The tendency is the people to be enslaved in some form by imprisonment or by the prices. Or just to imprison the people who resist, people with other opinion. All the people who didn’t agree with the Democratic regime were incarcerated after Jan 6th. All Trump supporters either. The rest live voluntary slavery.

My little daughter, who was studying the slavery, was asking a black friend of Jamaican origin if he had been a slave before. He is also very intelligent and educated man and has good job, who responded that he is a slave now.

The same world order is imposed to Europe now after the Russian Ukrainian conflict. Germany had the highest standard of living with high salaries. That era is gone. Lots of enterprises closed their doors, cheap energy is not coming from Russia, prices go high and they live on the fat of their bones from before. But they don’t resist as in the USA, Germans have discipline. They have a term in Germany about the people who don’t ask questions, “Gutmensch”, “GOOD MEN”.

What about the resources, like mineral, fossil etc.

America has around 40 trillion in resources, China also around 40 trillions, while Russia has 70 trillion. That is why for the USA is important to expand the capitalism by taking the Russian resources.

The resources of China are also targeted. The NATO summit this month in Vilnius, Lithuania showed intention to involve the alliance into China crisis. The final document collectively condemned the Sino-Russian relations and declared that “China's actions pose a threat to the security of the bloc's countries and do not correspond to their values”.

Soon will follow the meeting in South Africa from the BRICS countries that will show if the Saudi Arabia will continue to deliver oil at the conditions from the USA, and if Africa and South America will follow the orders of Washington.

The USA realizes that most of the control of the oil in the world outside of our borders is in the hands of pro Russian countries. That is why Biden administration opened a new pipeline for fossil fuel, when their advertised policy was new renewable energies and fight against the climate change. Climate change narrative was put on hold when you have to put oil in the car instead of green dollar bills. Even climate activists have been arrested.

Now Russia can fight us with the climate change narrative, they already have renewable nuclear synthesis. They already demonstrated that they could use the spent nuclear waste for new fuel and new renewable electricity production. They own the cold synthesis. And also demonstrated military technologies that could not have been possible if they didn’t have advanced resource technologies.

Charles Schwab books for the post capitalist society or the world order as the deep state wants it probably will be put on hold. The USA stretched their hand on the European continent and could experiment the new order on the Western world. That order on my opinion is a combination of the worst sides of all the economic systems - slavery, feudalism, capitalism and communism for the benefit of the 1% elite. And the result could be the worst – the humanity to self-destruct.


John Miller

Lighting Board Operator (Non Union)

1 年

My LinkedIn network should read this.



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