The Threat from within – The Demise of the Democracy of our Nation
The Democrats have refused to respect Donald Trump as President since before he was inaugurated
The Democrats have ambushed him at every step
The evidence emerging on Russian collusion stinks to high heaven of manipulation from the last Presidency
The evidence I have direct connections with, on the alleged Ukraine scandal points in direct reverse to Hunter/Joe Biden
The Democrats never said a word about the Exodus from Central America pounding on the door of CA paid for by George Soros
The Democrats have stood silent or applauded and justified
Destroying Property to Justify BLM
Destroying the very homeland that has been the beacon of hope for millions around the world for decades,
blackening the name of the country that restored Europe and Japan after two world wars
Not one Democrat has spoken out about the scandalous behavior of Ilhan Omar who despises our Constitution and fights against the roots of the country that offered Her a home.
The poverty, homelessness and filth on the streets of CA is not a problem perpetrated by the President
nor is the failed environmental policies of CA that raise the fire factor a problem one that you can lay at the Presidents door.
If you would look deeper, the problems with COVID are far greater than the unleashing of the virus from China!
And why is it that Citizens of These United States feel threatened If they voice their support of a sitting President??? Why?
I have supported the Civil Rights movement all my life. As a teenager
I would have been on that bridge in Selma, Montgomery, Birmingham Alabama when Bull Conner brought in Police dogs and opened up fire hoses on a non-violent march for justice!
I can look a black man in the eye and see a brother. I look BLM in the eye and see hatred and vengeance for a country that has at least made great efforts to work issues of inequality through!
I watched the Church burn next to the White House a couple months back. The fire trucks could not get through. I called every fire Dept in DC till I got one to answer the phone, but the Church still burned.
Not one Democrat has made any effort to support the President in creating jobs and furthering infrastructure development, the very thing that can get Black lives and everyone else out of poverty!!!!!
I watched the arrogance of the House Impeachment committee march like Peacocks across the Capitol to present a document fabricated on lies and misinformation to hold the Nation hostage with hatred I have never seen in our own Government before.
I watched Adam Schiff say on the Senate floor “we can no longer rely on the American People to make the right Choice”. The silence of the Senate was deafening!
I Watched Nancy Pelosi tear up the State of The Union within seconds of the Presidents Closing statement on February 4, 2020.
Women have the rights of their bodies they can abstain from the one night stands If they do not want a child - they do not need tax dollars to get them out of the embarrassment of extramarital activity and their BF can be held co- accountable If she can remember who he is!
The Kavanaugh scandal and women attacking Senators in their own elevator went uncontested by any democrat.
The deep state has held the world hostage for generations! Do any of you take it seriously or are you all willful participants?
I could go on but I doubt that this message will be taken seriously!
You have had every opportunity to bring someone to the table that could be a figurehead for your party (once my party)
I give my support 1000 % to Donald J Trump in the hope that he can finally be recognized as President of the United States
In my book the Democrats have endangered Democracy!!!!
I was once proud to be a Democrat
Daniel E. Moody
Chief Executive Officer
September 30, 2020