Thread the Needle Pose, Urdhva Mukha Pasasana, Urdhva Mukha Pasasana
Deepak Singh
Proven Yoga Expert: Guiding Students on a Decade-long Journey to Wellness"
Thread the Needle Pose, Urdhva Mukha Pasasana, Urdhva Mukha Pasasana
Twists the thoracic region of the spine, Gently compress the muscles of the upper chest such as-pectoralis major, pectoralis minor.
Stretches the upper and outer muscles of the shoulder such as rhomboid major, deltoid, and trapezius muscle. This calming pose is great for beginners and advanced practitioners, and it can help relieve chronic shoulder and back pain.
Thread the Needle Pose help to stretches intercostal muscles between the rib cage thus help in improving the lung's capacity.