Thrashing (my word) Through Reinvention
You might use other words to describe the process of reinvention, words like, flailing, confused, maybe even discouraged, frustrated or overwhelmed. My word is thrashing because that is what my body feels like when describing my process of reinvention or modernizing or changing the way I do my work.
I’ve been in a 9-month process of describing what and how I do my coaching in order to reword my website, for example. A researcher by nature, this past year, I’ve been a sponge for new marketing and leadership ideas and especially descriptive language for the paradigm shift we are all struggling through. Polarities need to be merged to solve the complex problems we face or we will eventually tear the planet apart. I’m struggling to understand and merge my own personal polarities and make decisions. Hence, the word thrashing.
I teach and coach from a place of holding the space for others to learn and grow. Holding the space requires that I stay centered within myself and allow my energy to create safety for others to explore and move. It is hard for me to hold that space if I am thrashing.
Recently, in remembering a dear friend who passed away and how she sometimes moved mountains to solve problems simply by holding the space for others to join her, I was reminded that I teach others about holding center or recentering when we get grabbed by distractions. As the universe often does, when I need to remember or recognize something myself, more reminders come my way. Yesterday, it came in the form of a very wise coach teaching a class. He had us do a powerful exercise in holding ourselves and each other.
It was - Wake up, Linda! Where have you been? Did the thrashing help?
Practice: Sit quietly, feet on the floor and let your feet feel grounded with the strength of the earth holding you. Close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly, letting your whole body settle into who you are. This is a body process your body intuitively knows, if you slow down enough. You don’t need your director brain involved telling you to do this or do that. Feel the peace of being who you are! Stay in that personal place long enough that you can remember it when faced with decisions, people, situations that trigger thrashing or whatever your word is.