THR-250 has been presented at 43rd Annual FSPA Conference
Eduardas Vaigauskas
& Manufacturers’ Showcase in Orlando.
Cashphenix has presented for public its newest version of Teller Assist Unit THR-250.
The exclusive distributor of “Cashphenix” in USA the Ellsworth Systems has demonstrated this simple in support and very affordable recycler.
The President of ES James Warren has told to the visitors he targeted the machine mainly to the accounts who never used TAUs before and who are reluctant to spend tenths of thousands for more complex machines that possible will be difficult to integrate and to support.
Just look at this photo: the entire machine consist only from cassettes and frame with the upper part with note validator and horizontal transport:
Mr. Warren has explained to visitors THR-250 is extremely simple machine and any ATM engineer after very short training would be able to repair and support this machine.
THR-250 in current version can accommodate up to 8 cassettes, 450, 900 and 1800 notes each. It can accommodate up to 4 “stacker” cassettes with 1800 notes each and 4 drum cassettes with 450 or 900 notes each.
THR-250 will accept bundles of cash up to 250 notes and will count and verified them with reasonable 8 notes/sec speed.
The machine can accept and verified checks or coupons.
“Cashphenix” will start to accept orders for delivery starting from July 15, 2016 with delivery in 60 days.
For more details please contact James Warrant on [email protected] or Eduardas Vaigauskas on