Thoughts on widening news gaps - how long can we stay in our shell?
photo by Edward Naughton (taken early in this decade)

Thoughts on widening news gaps - how long can we stay in our shell?

There are so many ways to hide of the most interesting ways to hide begins with our ability to hide our sense of self and community.

I took a photo of this turtle at a wildlife refuge, and I wanted to pick him up and I did (unfortunately got pissed on and pissed off simultaneously for doing so). If we don't want to be bothered, like this turtle who wanted me to go on my way and leave him alone (being safe) we tuck in and try not to see things or be seen. Indeed. There lies the problem.

When news is gapped suddenly like has recently happened where I live in Stafford, Kansas, then whatever little news coverage you had before pretty much ceases, except for some nebulous community Facebook posts. Rely on Facebook if you want for news, but usually I don't, but I use it for information anyway.

I was doing what I call volunteer journalism in Stafford and Reno counties, but an important man has passed and now what was a trickle of news has effectively been shut down, as the man who was publishing the Stafford Courier and The Record (Reno County) passed away last month and no one wants or can step up to the plate.

I think we need to keep newsprint in print where and when we can and a family loss is a family loss, of course, and we are only here for a season. I wonder what he would have wanted or who he would have wanted to take his place?

Hopefully someone will step up. I do want to help. I wonder should I just move on? I am thinking and praying about it. Right now I feel like some others out there, thinking of just hiding in my little shell right now while the world goes by and things that need reporting go on unreported every day.


