Thoughts of Where We Stand
Debbie (Pomeroy) Cloud
Strategic Analyst of Emerging Trends & Incapacitation, Community Grassroot Empowerment & Principal RE Broker
A crime is a crime. Government out of control hurting the people is a CRIME, specifically IN AMERICA (as a world leader). The power was given to the people to ensure Government does not take its absolute power and corrupt absolutely (Sir Acton).
The other day someone posted that Antifa, the radicalized group, was going to steal the yellow jacket as their newest protest.
Upon looking into the what the yellow jacket protesters are saying (video), the message is people are sick and tired of so many years of corruption by the government serving only the few and ignoring the people. In other countries this would be seen in one way or another as this protest has spread to other countries.
The answer is not violence. Be smarter than that. The goal is proactive implementation.
Here in America this is seen in the escalation to epidemic proportions of health, loss of jobs, drugs and trafficked children used as sex slaves. Millions have been spent and still our numbers are soaring, until the last couple years. Major safeguards are being initiated, laws/initiative/task forces implemented, and criminals being taken down.
The use of government agency for political and financial gain is criminal. The suppression of REAL HELP for the people for personal or financial gain is criminal.
There was a shift in news reporting in the last 24 hours. Issues must stop being spun, marginalized and caught in the politics and personalities. We must deal with principals and not just personalities. The principals as defined by the laws of the lands. If the laws are wrong, then address changing the laws. Ignoring them is not an option in a just society. The focus much change to unjust laws. The upset is that crimes are being exposed, and people do not want to be caught in the middle of the spot light on the criminal mess.
The parts of the government for years pretend, with their sleight of hand, to say they help, while the kids, parents, people are sickened, weakened, kidnapped legally, trafficked, abused, harmed, erased and killed.
This is shown through the numbers of across the board in every industry the systemic government has their hands in. They want to prove their intervention is effective by skewing the numbers in their favor and burying the harm being done.
One example is the number of foster kids trafficked is alarming and most of them are affiliated with foster care, yet most Americans turn a blind eye until it happens to them or someone they love.
The current criminal cases of state workers, court professionals and foster parents have been found to be abusing kids. These kids have feed the sex slave trade for decades. And many of those involved in child protection have sworn an oath of office to protect and serve. They are now, since the election Trump, been exposed and taken down. More and more crimes of missing kids, abusing kids, trafficking kids and killing kids is coming out in the news. There is more to the story and being able to connect the dots is becoming closer and closer.
The news is now filled with missing kids, trafficked kids, opioids killing kids, and so much devastation on the family. This is not new information. It’s just now being reported, and yes, the numbers have escalated. This has been a silenced. The escalation of public awareness started 2 years ago with the arrests consistently of trafficking and drug related crimes.
This last week there has been an increase of awareness of the common actions of courts locking up the trafficked kids now adults for crimes of stopping their abusers. The investigators have labeled these kids and adult survivors as harming or killing another individual, instead of defensive action to escape trafficking. When the trafficked fight back against their abusers, they have been jailed for long sentences by the courts. What messages does that send to kids and now adults trapped by their abusers: The criminals in this situation remain free. WHY? The traffickers and their Johns who are paying for sex abuse remain free, must have some warped protections hidden from the law. This is being exposed: lawyers, judges, state workers and other politicians that have benefited from this continuing industry. Released by DOJ December 2018. NY Welfare System Sting.
Here in Northern Virginia this is changing. All the agencies around Northern Virginia started to see a spike in local concerns and started talking to each other and started collaborating. Then they started task forces, off the books by stretching the current budgets. This ended up a two year pilot program put on by CNA and their panel reported the local results (CNA Panel Discussion: Trafficked Children in the U.S.) Across the country real criminals are being taken down right and left, exposed, and new ways to identify and deal with these situations are being taught.
This is changing. The trafficked kids are getting help ( & The Northern Virginia pilot program is having very positive effects. Fauquier’s commitment to education and education is excellent as evidenced by the 3 recent public community town hall meetings, the new programs coming into the schools, the training of first responders and the new town hall meeting in the new year.
The shift is happening where the kids that are victimized are identified, protected and getting help. Law enforcement and first responders are being trained to identify and work with victims and go after the real criminals. The laws are shifting to take down those hurting children. The long-standing networks that have systemically removed kids to feed this industry here in America with our own American kids while at home before being taken is finally being addressed seriously.
This continues in other areas, until we identify the damage and start implementing new ways to turn this around.
The schools have been so focused on testing scores to prove they are effective by reaching bench marks, are failing to teach kids to want to learn, to be educated and to be empowered. Thus, the rise of victims dependent on the state.
The medical system focused on protocols of test results and documented interventions of medication, surgery or behavioral modification, has fallen short since there are increasing numbers of chronic disease and other epidemics making us a very sick nation.
The legal system has its hands tied and is working outside the constitution and rule of law. All lines have been blurred. Guilt with no way to protect from false allegations, sanctuary cities protecting criminals, open borders with attacks on ICE doing their job taking down illegal crossings and criminals coming into our country to do harm.
The government has grown, and cannot be blamed. The government is a system filled with people. Some very good working very hard to make this world a better place, and then others abusing the loopholes and dark places to push their own agendas to benefit from the system.
Between 1837 and 1869 he was known as Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The government is not here to resolve all the worlds problems or just give benefits to everyone. The government is a system there to serve, protect and allow the people to live in this representative republic function to its best ability. The dark blurred lines harm people, thus our forefathers established checks and balances to ensure the effort to prevent corruption. This is a process, and everyone must be diligent in their dedication to ensure our governmental system functions well and keep corruption at bay.
The good old fashion ideals of transparency, integrity, responsibility and plain old hard work are needed. Rolling up our own sleeves and dedicating ourselves to the projects we believe in. The idea that government must provide and pay for everything is the dangerous big government that will ultimately corrupt causing more harm than good. Victimization is the industry of this bloated government seeking to keep everyone sucking on the corrupt teat of the system.
STEP UP – night now locally with any of the issues that speak to you. Focus on positive action to fix the concerns we are facing. Work with your neighbors. Stop fighting the political spin. If you don’t agree with the current politics, then vote to change it at the next election. Right now, do what you can to improve your immediate community. The focus on Integrity, transparency, responsibility and hard work. Rights and freedom must be for all people, not just your group.
Let’s stop fighting each other, and work together to find solutions to protect ALL PEOPLE, not just one group or another.
The yellow jackets are demanding that the people are heard and that the government is there for the best interests of the people, not the agendas of the few. The government is made up of people. Therefore, it should not protect and serve a handful of people with personal agendas and interests while they harm another group. Many try to stay out of the way and ignore the greater concerns to prevent involvement or harm heading their way.
A crime is a crime. I support the President and all the agencies in the government that are not committing crimes against the people, the children and families. I support the CLEAN UP by the FIXER to put the brakes on this mucked up system.
The 60-year-old "ISM" video ( shows how people jump on the bad bandwagon for all the right reasons. Their shortsightedness or massive need to fix things, only makes it worse by drinking the ISM juice.
The hate feeds the corrupt government out of fear.
The positive actions to make things better by deflating the corruption and empowering the people.
Each and every one of us want the freedom to live a good life, and each of us need not steal that from another to get it. That means integrity and responsibility to ensure our freedom and the freedoms of others. That means taking down the criminals that cross the line hurting and using others for their own gains.
See beyond all the spin.
This boldness in statement is dedicated to community, collaboration and action! Our point is to engage and provoke commitment to positive action in our country for a better and more empowered future.
Strategic Analyst of Emerging Trends & Incapacitation, Community Grassroot Empowerment & Principal RE Broker
5 年Soul Murder...
Broadway Industries Corp- Organized Crime in Judicial systems
5 年@
Broadway Industries Corp- Organized Crime in Judicial systems
5 年So true. Going through the court system is like being murdered.