Thoughts of the Week: 08-04-2024
Jack Crabtree
Helping others be their best - Consultant - Writer - Project Manager - Human
A new month, a new opportunity!
Isn’t it interesting how we can become so consumed by our routines?
When something comes along to displace habitual behavior often disturbs us
We see it as an annoyance rather than an opportunity for growth
What was one thing you did outside of your normal routine last week?
Is there something you have scheduled this coming week that is out of the ordinary?
Being proactive about breaking with our routine
It can open our eyes to new activities, relationships, and habits
It can also allow us to find greater appreciation our everyday lives
When life becomes routine, we tend to take it for granted
Stepping away from normal gives us a chance to appreciate the little things
Here is a summary of the perspectives I put into writing:
Reflections from my first 50 articles (or journals)
Reflection and Self-Analysis
You cannot Force your Thoughts
It isn’t always about the engagement
Be willing to start again
Effort creates Attachment
Time multiplies Attachment
Sometimes you just need to get reps
What’s important can change
Don’t get lost in what’s Unimportant
But stay open-minded
The ability to distinguish the Urgent from the Important
When you feel justified blaming others
Reframe your perspective, use the situation as an opportunity to look in the mirror
We all have voices in our heads
Which one are you listening to, and what is it saying?
People think differently
Instead of letting ourselves become frustrated by this fact, let’s embrace it
Question your own assumptions
Be willing to explore the assumptions of others
Monday?—?07/29/2024?—?What Have I Learned?—?Part 2
A continuation of last Friday’s reflections
With a few months of consistent writing, it was important for me to pause and reflect
This expanded on my primary takeaway?—?To serve others is our greatest privilege
Here is what I discussed:
Reflection and Self-Analysis Take Intention
You cannot Force your Thoughts
It isn’t always about the engagement
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Read more Here?—?Medium
Tuesday?—?07/30/2024?—?What Have I Learned?—?Part 3
Continued reflection and expansion
The more we think, the more connected our thoughts become
The more integrated our perspective is
Be willing to start again
Effort creates Attachment
Time multiplies Attachment
Sometimes you just need to get reps
What’s important can change
Don’t get lost in what’s Unimportant
But stay open-minded
The ability to distinguish the Urgent from the Important creates Quality of Life
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Wednesday?—?07/31/2024?—?What could I have done differently?
It is easy to blame others, but what purpose does that serve?
Instead of seeing the problem “out-there” why not look inside?
What can I control?
What can I change?
It starts by looking in the mirror
Sure, someone else may have dropped the ball
But maybe I didn’t put them in the best position to succeed
Perhaps I contributed to the problem?
Let’s learn to focus on our own opportunity for improvement
That is within our Circle of Control
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Read more Here?—?Medium
How many voices are fighting for your attention?
Which ones do you find yourself listening to most?
Is that choice intentional?
Is it serving you?
Or is it a habitual script that needs to be examined?
Guilt is an emotion that can shift Paradigms
But is there more than one type of guilt?
And how can we identify this?
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Read more Here?—?Medium
Friday?—?08/02/2024?—?People Think Differently
We all make assumptions
So does everyone else
It’s important we reflect on what some of those assumptions are
Both our own, and the assumptions of those that we live and work with
Believe it or not, not everyone thinks the same way you do
Let’s learn to value the difference
Through taking time to examine someone else’s paradigm
Through sharing our perspectives
Read more Here?—?LinkedIn
Read more Here?—?Medium
That’s it from last week folks
Now, we begin again
I look forward to sharing new insights, perspectives, and reflections
Going forward, I will be stepping away the methodical daily post
I still plan to share my thoughts throughout the week, but without such a fixated of a schedule
I am intrigued to experiment with a different structure
To see how the quality of my journals will change
Sometimes, less is more
Thank you again for your time and your attention
If you have found these articles / journals helpful, please share them with a friend
Sincerely yours,
Jack Crabtree