Thoughts of the Week: 07-21-2024
Jack Crabtree
Helping others be their best - Consultant - Writer - Project Manager - Human
TOTW: 07-21-2024
What a week!
Sundays are a great day to reflect
What did you personally learn this week?
What made an impact on your life?
Who made an impact on your life?
Whose life did you impact?
What will you remember?
The more we learn, the more we realize we don’t know
The more we grow, the more opportunity we see?
Here are some of my own takeaways from this past week
Suffering = Expectations? - Reality
We are responsible for our own expectations
Less Things, More Peace
Isn’t that the truth
Without self-awareness, we are all vulnerable to mental-spirals The key is catching yourself early in the process
Anxiety is nothing more than Future-Forecasted-Pain
And just as we have the ability to imagine its existence, our minds can say “No Thank You”
We do not see things are they are
We see them as we are
Monday – 07-15-2024 - Suffering: The Gap between Reality and Expectation
What does the word suffering make you think of?
Pain, hurt, fear?
It makes me think of denial
We suffer when we attempt to deny reality as it is
Instead, hoping that somehow, we will find reality as we individually would like it to be…?
What if we embraced the experience “bad” emotions
Would they really feel as bad as we make them out to?
Perhaps, it is our own resistance that causes more pain, than any pain itself
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Tuesday – 07-16-2024 - Less Things, More Peace?
Hello Amazon Prime Day
Goodbye Amazon Prime Day
What did you purchase on promotion?
Is it really going to make you happy?
Maybe it will
Maybe it does, for now
But do our material possessions really bring us the peace & fulfillment we crave?
How often do those possessions add stress and complication to our lives?
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Wednesday – 07-17-2024 - This too, shall not be recalled
I have yet to figure out where I saw this passage
If you read this and connect the dots, please let me know!
Talk about the gap between reality and expectations
Yes, I do expect to remember almost everything
And yes, if I could learn to let that go, I would find myself with much less stress
While I am still in work-in-progress, it was fascinating to see how quickly my mind can spiral
The inability to place a short passage led to me losing perspective
Nothing I did seemed to take away the void where this uncallable memory should be
I am feeling a little triggered just typing this
Thankfully, time is one of nature’s greatest antidote’s
This will come back to my conscious when the time is right?
Or someone could just help me out and tell me
PS – This makes me think back to RunAway Thinking….
Maybe it’s time to revisit that
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Thursday – 07-18-2024 – “You Suffer more Often in your Imagination than Reality”
Working on my inner Marcus Aurelius with a self-dialogue structure
We all get anxious, it’s a programmed evolutionary response to the perception of a threat
But how often does our reaction overshadow whatever discomfort comes with the thing itself
We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality
Future-Forecasted-Pain is the source of more suffering than reality itself
See if you can catch yourself creating Future-Forecasted-Pain this week
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Friday – 07-19-2024 – Blinders, Always On
Continued self-dialogue, short & sweet
We like to pretend that we can see things impartially
Yet, we do not see anything as it is
We see things are we are
?Where is this applicable in everyday life?
Where isn’t it applicable, this paradigm is at work everywhere
Whether we realize it or not
A conversation with a friend
A team meeting to discuss a work deadline
Planning with a significant other
Talking with our parents or our children?
We do not see things as they are
We see things as we are
Read More Here
That’s it from last week folks
Now, we begin again
I look forward to sharing new insights, perspectives, and reflections?
Thank you again for your time and your attention
If you have found these articles helpful, please share them with a friend
Sincerely yours,
Jack Crabtree