Thoughts on Usage-Based Pricing
I recently spoke on a panel about usage-based pricing (UBP). Here are my main three takeaways:
1) UBP is on the rise, but there is a general lack of understanding about how to operationalize and execute it.
2) Selecting the right metric is hard, but there are some best practices.
Aligned with value
Easy to understand
Easy to track/audit
Not impede usage
Aligned with value and tied to outcomes
Easy to understand and help communicate product value
Easy to track/audit and highly accurate and predictable
Not impede usage and actively encourage it
3) UBP is rarely used on its own.
In conclusion, UBP is not a silver bullet, but can be a great way to supercharge your pricing if approached correctly. Either way, its exciting to see so many people talking about new and innovative pricing models. Love it! But what are your thoughts? Have you tried UBP? Do you plan to? If so, I’d love to hear about it!