Thoughts on self-improvement
Since 2016, I am working on talent development at the New Generation Centre UK. With my colleagues, we are organizing knowledge-sharing social events, lectures and presentations, conferences, open-house events, and talent-and skills development programmes and workshops. Our brand builds on trust and professionalism.
It is so good to see how students and young professionals started to follow us and use our services, but we should not stop here.
How can we improve?
How can we reach more young people?
My personal opinion is that one of the best options to go and visit a different kind of events where I can meet local organizations and set up a strong network and learn about their best practices.
Reaching out young professionals?
Also, the keyword is networking. Meet with new people, speak about my job and mission is the best way. But of course, we need to learn how we can network. One of the hardest things to start a conversation with new people. You need to have a special skill for that and learn from the bests. For me, it took years to learn it. I watched videos and read books and I had a chance to see professional people how they build their network in my previous job. It helped me a lot and slowly I started to use everything that I heard, saw and learned.
In my job, I am focusing to help people to develop their talent and skills but the first step for me is never forgetting to improve myself, learn from the feedbacks.