Thoughts on Raindrops

"November Rain, from a Sailor's Perspective" Coronado Bay Bridge. Coronado, CA. Thanksgiving, 2019.
Raindrops Pour on a Chilly November Evening. Coronado Beach. Coronado, CA. Thanksgiving, 2019.

I arose before the sun today. Not even 5:00, I sleepily stumbled to my toothbrush. Every second that passed was a second I gained more clarity and alertness. I felt great by the time I finally wiped my face dry with a towel. "I'm going to start my morning right with a run before work." And yet, only after popping my contacts onto my eyeballs I heard it...the sound of raindrops thudding onto rooftops. Then, a few seconds later, I heard those infamous splashes. You know, the ones made by tires threadding through wet gravel. And just like that, I wasn't motivated to run anymore. I, instead, wanted something else...a delicious cup of fresh, hot coffee...

I know, for some people, rainfall would not have stopped them from running. But it happens all the time, doesn't it? Be it rain or any other scenario, we all use these as excuses to avoid things in life we're either unfamiliar or uncomfortable with. Whether this avoidance stems from the fear of failing at it, or simply because we're just not at a point where we want to be with it, we all tend to sacrifice long-term mastery for short term familiarity.

As a photographer speaking to fellow photogs, I think it's safe to say you love taking photos. So let's zoom in a bit more. There are many scenarios that we, as photographers, find ideal: soft and golden morning and evening sun, diffused light, fixed light, and perhaps even professional models that are already familiar with flattering poses. We have these ideal scenarios for photographs, and yet our natural tendency is to steer clear from the rain.

Seriously, who shoots in rain? My perspective...not enough. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that great with "wet" photography. I would love to be, but I'm not quite there. But during the extended Thanksgiving weekend, I definitely took advantage of the quiet time outdoors while the majority of San Diego was comfortably stashed in homes, sipping hot cocoa in PJs.

You see, not many people understand that opportunities to shoot in the rain are wonderful because a photographer hardly has any spectators. You can essentially do just about anything you want. The world and the moment are yours and yours alone. Just dress for the occasion.

The following photos were shot in a downfall of rain. Perhaps I didn't use a fast enough shutter speed for it...or maybe I could've utilized a flash to freeze the rain more. Instead, it looks like these photos are pretty grainy. In actuality, these were shot with an ISO of no more than 200...if that. Again, you learn from doing.

It's evening time as I write this blog. I've had plenty of time to recollect on my morning decision to abort my workout. But was it the right thing to do? After all, it was raining. The truth is, I could've just ran indoors at the gym. It was only a one minute walk away. But no. A cup of fresh coffee sounded way better, at that time, than a work out. And the rain was my excuse. Again...the sacrifice of long-term mastery for short-term gain. We can only learn from out mistakes and short-term regrets. Don't let raindrops, in the long-run, obstruct your depth of focus.


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