Are These Thoughts Holding You Back from Financial Freedom?
Sarah Brent
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Are These Thoughts Holding You Back from Financial Freedom?
You’re not where you hoped to be financially by this time in your life. By now, you’d hoped to own your own home. Maybe you?thought?you’d have a nest egg?or even be able to afford that fancy holiday. You feel like you’re doing?everything right, but for some reason,?you’re not there.
What if the only thing that’s keeping you from a life free of debt is your thoughts?
The things we tell ourselves can be very powerful. You already know that your self-talk can even mean the difference between a good day and a bad one. But your thoughts hold a lot more power than that. They can limit you and keep you from success.
What thoughts then, are holding you back from financial freedom?
“People who have money are just lucky.”
By accepting the idea that people who make money do so because they’ve got all?the breaks (a better education, connections, luck) you convince yourself that?there’s no way then for you to do the same. After all, if you don’t share the same?breaks, how could you? Start accepting that money isn't all that complicated and that you can make it as well if not better than other people. Then you begin to succeed.
“Money comes from working harder than anyone else.”
If this were true, there’d be fewer people struggling so hard to make ends meet.?Money comes to people who out-think the people around them and who take every advantage that comes their way.
“You have to spend money to make money.”
This one is accepted so commonly that you’ll find people throwing a lot of money?into advertising their home businesses and not understanding when it doesn’t?work. The truth is, when an idea is sound and solves a problem, money is not a?problem. Investors are always looking for opportunities. It’s your job to provide?them. The money follows naturally.
“There’s no money left for me.”
This idea comes from thinking money is a finite thing. Think instead of money as being something constantly in motion. People who have it, spend it. Your job is to direct the flow your way.
“You can’t have everything.”
Why not? For every person who has determined that you can either have a successful career or a successful family life, you can find an example of someone?who has done both. It’s time to get rid of the “either/or” mindset and embrace the “and” instead.
Financial freedom starts right where you’d least expect it –?in the things you tell yourself. By guiding your self-talk away from the negative and into the possible,?you’ll find that your success is only a matter of time. You really can ‘think and grow rich’ as Napoleon Hill said.
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