Thoughts on Getting to 100 Posts a Day on Social Media
Francis Wazeter
Columnist, Web Developer and Digital Designer. Founder of WazFactor, a communication design studio for the internet.
When most people ask Gary Vee a question about social media, the answer is almost always the same: you need to post more. Typically the advice is to get as close to 100 content posts per day across as many channels per day as possible. Lately, I've found myself a big fan of this approach because of the horrible neglect I gave my own followings over the past years.
I was an early adopter in all of it: Facebook in 2005, Youtube 2007, LinkedIn, Twitter around 2009-2010, Instagram in late 2010. Probably the only one I missed (and still struggle to figure out) is Snapchat.
During this time I even managed a few companies where we built early significant followings on YouTube and Facebook where it produced game changing results. Yet when it came to my own things? I did nothing, despite knowing better, having done it before and experiencing first hand the benefits reach brings.
I fell into the trappings of "the content isn't good enough," and squandered views and responses of 1 million + with 3 content pieces in 3 separate industries and 3 different platforms in 3 different eras. Had I been posting quantity and consistency, I could have captured that momentum and built a pipeline that'd last a lifetime.
Instead I get to rebuild from scratch - as if I was a late adopter to it all.
Knowing and realizing that you've been going against your own advice, the actions you implement for clients (but not yourself) leaves you with that one gutwrenching thought that you're a profound idiot.
Ultimately, if I'm completely honest with myself - most of it would have come down to simply a feeling of not being confident in my own abilities and having a limiting mindset around it. That it was somehow okay if I failed myself and my own company, just so long as I didn't fail for others.
My belief was that it was simply good enough to produce results for clients and that fundamentally people didn't care so much about my stuff as they did their own. What I didn't realize is that when you take massive action on your own to implement what you believe in that you inspire and impact more people than you know - and the ripple effect is profound.
After ramping up my own production and talking about the importance of audience building given that the internet is in a major consolidation phase (at least until/if you believe in Web 3.0's potential), I've seen other people who are close to me or were former business partners begin to take the same massive action.
That's pretty amazing.
So, I'm definitely on board with Gary Vee's philosophy, and I intend to implement it to the maximum that I'm capable. We're web designers and developers - and don't offer social media services, but I hope you take massive action too to build your own following - and know that it won't be perfect and most of what you try won't work, but eventually you'll break through.
Of course, I don't write about it so often purely for charity - I've noticed that when people can get traffic to their website, they tend to enjoy it more and want to invest more in it, which is good for us.
Follow along, send me a DM or simply watch the feed - we'll continue to be ramping up with more videos and insights into what's actually working (and what's not) and how you can implement the same. One subscriber over on Instagram actually implemented one of the thoughts (3-5 tiktoks per day) immediately after a live and gained 300 followers and 7000 views within a few hours (way beyond my own results so far!), she had 2000 to start with, so that was an over 10% gain!
I wish I could take full credit for the idea - in this case I was just the messenger. It's something Gary Vee had been harping on for nearly a decade. You can find me on all platforms as either @wazeter or @fwazeter . Happy audience building!