Thoughts on Gary Vee’s Hustle Porn & Casey Neistat’s Burnout

Thoughts on Gary Vee’s Hustle Porn & Casey Neistat’s Burnout

I’m exhausted. I mean exhausted. The first week went by like clockwork. I think that’s how it is when you’re learning a new skill. When you’re so focused on educating yourself. When everything is insanely new. You’re captured in the light of it. Like getting a fancy new iPhone or computer. Once the newness wears off — does the product hold up to its hype?

There’s been a lot of talk about Gary Vaynerchuk pitching hustle porn. “You have to work your face off.” Casey Neistat made a vlog about burnout yesterday and talks deeply about this.

Gary is a different kind of individual. He works from sun up to sun down and loves what he does. In many ways, I do the same thing. I wake up at 5:30am to write, film and post. I then film from 7am to 8am in the car on my way to work as Creative Director at New Human.

I get off at 4:30pm and take about an hour for down time. Me time. To listen to Audible.

When I get home, I do my best to wipe design, web and film from my mind and focus my attention on my wife and kids. What’s been going on in their day. Eat dinner — because I barely eat on the road.

We put the kids to bed around 7PM and kick with our 1 year old Titan until he knocks out.

Depending on the mood both Laura and I are in, it could be let’s cuddle up and watch our guilty pleasure — Jersey Shore.

Or it could be, hey, you do you and I do me and we’ll get together later.

If it’s that, I’m either going live on Facebook, trying to get some film published to Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo or how can I get this micro content up on all the majors.

Coming back to the point at hand. I, like many, love what they do and spend every waking breathe devoting time to what’s important to my family, security and passion. I believe Gary and Casey both do the same.

They’re judge on working too hard and not fitting into a white american dream profile. If you really break it down, all they’re saying is.

It takes hardwork.

You don’t need to wait until tomorrow to start living your best self.

You should always follow your passion.

Do whatever the hell makes you happy.

And stop worrying about whatever the help anyone else is doing or saying.

Gary Vee’s system holds up to its hype but it’s predicated intensely on hard work and internal drive. Week 2 isn’t about new. Week 2 is about finding the tenacity to push until it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Just like any new work out, day 2 hurts. Day 3, 4, 5 and 6 hurt. It takes perseverance to continue to show up. As long as you show up and put in the work, you slowly start seeing the results of your efforts. I got super burnt out because I was struggling to learn something foreign while juggling work-life balance. This is the same thing that happened to me when I first started vlogging.

I would take the camera everywhere. Not know when was appropriate or inappropriate. What parts of my personal life to film and what not to. Should Laura be in it? Should the kids be in it? As I made plenty of mistakes, I started to figure out a strategy. A way to milk every minute in my favor.

I created a film about how to film a vlog in 20 minutes back in season 1 of @heywillmosley.

Bringing us back full circle. Now that I have an idea of what the routine is, what’s too much, I can start strategizing and making smarter moves. I made a film about this Saturday — My distribution schedule. I also wrote in depth about it here:

I’d like to point out that it’s extremely important to notice when you are burning both ends of the candle too short. When you just need sleep. When you need a mental break.

Sometimes the answer is not to push harder but to take a day to rest, reset and celebrate yourself and your loved ones around you.

No matter what you’re feeling & whatever you’re doing. Just know that you, you’re amazing.

You’re going to feel accomplished. You’re going to feel worthless. There are unlimited hills and valleys in the world. The only thing we can do is to embrace them. Live life for the journey and not the end destination.

Get some R&R and get back to what drives you most ? Will.


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