Thoughts From The Garage - 12th Edition
Originally Written:?Friday, June 12, 2020 8:39 AM
Happy Friday everyone!
It’s incredible that yet another week is winding down. Time continues to move forward and yet I feel stuck with the heaviness of the health pandemic, that gave way to the economic pandemic, that further exposed our ongoing social pandemic. Many of you responded last week with your thoughts of hurt, dismay and fear. Sometimes we don’t know what to say or do, so we don’t say or do anything. I hope my words, and more importantly, the words of the great leaders and writers that came before, provided you with some encouragement and some inspiration to act.
Opening Thought
The events over the last month or so remind me that we must be able to live with and struggle through paradox. It’s human nature to want to make sense of everything by applying a simple solution or perspective. To not resolve the paradox means we are subjecting ourselves to a level of stress and discomfort, something the field of psychology calls cognitive dissonance. So instead, we often rush to judgement or a quick solution to feel better. I fear this is what we do with difficult and multi-faceted issues like racial and social injustice.
Last week, a good friend of mine encouraged me to reflect on the specific things that have occurred in my life that triggered such a strong response in me to share what I did last week. In reflecting this week, here is what I came up with:
The common denominator in all of this is the rampant injustice and prejudice I’ve experienced through the eyes of those I have grown up with, lived with, served with and are now even raising. While, at the same time, being painfully aware of my privilege, and not being able to reconcile the paradox. I let these experiences and the paradox fuel my why. My faith compels me to seek justice, love mercy and be humble.
Struggling through the paradox, means living with a level of stress and discomfort long enough to compel you to action. The only action I can come up with in all of this is to just go love everybody, always. I hope we all come to a similar conclusion.
For Now, I’ll Leave You With This…Recapping The First 11 Editions?
As I mentioned last week, I had planned to recap key themes from the first 10 Editions of Thoughts From The Garage and transition into a new, more strategic, second chapter. I will do that starting with next week’s edition, so I have curated a thought from each of the first eleven editions to recap what all we have covered so far:?
Have a great weekend!