Thoughts from the couch
Deborah Clark
Medical Secretary to Dr Vezi, who is a Cardiologist specializing in Electrophysiology
The lack of rights and privileges all of us are experiencing right now equal something of a much older South Africa. Job insecurity, financial insecurity, and generally moving around exercising a God given right has become criminalised. We cant work when we want to. We cant go where we want to and we cant even buy what we want to. For many of us this has been a shock to the system. I have many close friends who are seriously struggling to put food on the table, and they have the welfare of employees on their shoulders. Human beings who have done no wrong and are as much victim to this crisis as the rest of us.
Suddenly we are finding "things" we have lying around are worthless as you cant even sell them to liquidate into usable cash. Nothing is open!
At the moment my house is on one 100% secure income. I'm okay for the moment. Many of us have none right now. And there has been no fat years recently to have padded up for this unexpected time. There are people close to us who are even leaner than that.
I'm going to cover two items here. 1 Each Other and 2 Crime.
1. Each Other
There are many, many little businesses out there that are in crisis mode right now. The little hardware store, the mechanic, the guy who comes and fixes whatever you've managed to break in your house. People right now who are deep in it and have no source of relief. I'm not decrying the Government's efforts, but getting a few million people onto UIF and then putting cash in their pockets... That isn't filling hungry bellies tonight. Or tomorrow. I'm pledging to all of you now to please do something that I am going to do myself. Get hold of an employee or business person you know in this position. Ring them up and say "Bud I'm dropping in at the shop, can I get you anything?" Even if you get a polite "No, I'm good," ask again in a couple days time. See friends, these are the people who help YOU when you need the favour or the quick fix. These are the people who don't charge you the full hour labour to sort something out for you. These are the people who that extra couple bucks could help the most right now. If you cant, you cant. But it doesn't hurt to ask. If you know people who live alone PLEASE include them in your grocery shop. You are not committing a crime if you assist one person to get essential goods as long as you both demonstrate the practices laid down.
2. Crime
For the couple weeks of the lockdown we experienced a sharp drop in serious crime. Business robberies were down (many aren't open to rob!), house robberies and carjackings were down very sharply. Petty theft and shoplifting stayed about the same but house breakings peaked in areas that hadn't seen housebreaking for a long time. Why? Well people are desperate. And it isn't going to get any better unless the desperation ends or they are arrested. We may begin seeing a few increases in house robbery as these criminals are not afraid of confrontation. They will demand cash.
Seeing many of us are home (acknowledging hardware stores are not open) it may be opportunistic to take a perimeter walk and see what you can do with what you have in the garage or what your neighbour can chuck over the fence. On that subject, now more than ever is the time to experience the fact that crooks will exploit the weak link. If you are feeling unsafe, NOW is the time to ask your local Police to conduct extra patrols. NOW is the time to ask your security company to beef things up. NOW is the time for you to do an alarm systems check. NOW is the time for you to get your emergency app like Mobi Claw working. Rather be prepared and empowered.
In the coming weeks, avoid stores that may be at risk of looting. If you are concerned with local shops running short of things, have a chat with the manager on duty. Instead of sharing unsubstantiated fears on social media, find out exactly when your local will be restocked with whatever you were looking for. And for goodness sake, this mass buying is irritating me. Today I stood behind a woman who had literally cleaned out the entire ice cream fridge plus some. There are no zombies on the horizon. Yet.
Things are relatively under control friends. If someone you know is having FB outbursts give them a ring. Find out what is happening. Many of us can slip into loneliness and depression and worse in the coming days and weeks. We need to stick this out together. Having an echo chamber of negativity as a sole input is going to be devastating on the psyche. If you see a friend going downhill emotionally please reach out. Get help.
It's your life, your families and all of our friends.
Take it seriously.