Thoughts are FREE #2 — Thinking Without Charge? Brainpower For Nothing?

Thoughts are FREE #2 — Thinking Without Charge? Brainpower For Nothing?

Especially today, we all are challenged to get out of situations that simply cannot be accepted anymore.

I firmly believe that we can get out of this mess much better than we stumbled into it in 2020.

But — as I do with all other growth processes, too — I do not ask the questions how? and when? - AND YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT, EITHER!

Because, if you want to achieve a worthwhile goal, and you ask yourself these questions, you can't answer them. If you knew the answer to it, you SURELY would have the desired results already. And since you don't know the answers, that makes you insecure, hesitant, fearful! And probably, you would soon dismiss your goal as impossible and go straight back to your old, familiar reality. Comfort zone is what most people call it - even though it is completely incomprehensible to me, personally, how one can call what most people encounter in their zone of reality "comfort". But that is another chapter.

So let's stick to the real issue of being challenged, of walking out of situations that are simply no longer acceptable.

I challange YOU to reinvent! — Wanna take my 48 hour challenge?*

The world lives on us, who can think the impossible and then figure out how to make it true. Electricity instead of candle, telephone instead of courier, penicillin instead of amputating legs, driving instead of riding, flying instead of driving, internet, smartphone.... just about everything you take for granted today was once a completely impossible thing! Even running water.

So, how does something brand NEW become possible?

Start with WHAT? Clarify what you really want and WHY? What does it mean for people, for life and also you and your loved ones, once it becomes reality?

And they say "faith moves mountains!" — Okay, okay, I also did never see, that a mountain moved, but I am also clear that no one needs FAITH to believe in the things she or he can SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES.

How is it with you? Do you believe only in the things you can see? Why would you have to "believe" though? It is a plain and simple reality right in front of your eyes. No faith needed at all.

I believe in the impossible and this gave birth to thousands of "small and big miracles" for my clients and me... at some point, "impossible results" became as normal for me as "cooking spaghetti" is normal for others. That's because we should also really believe another great folk wisdom:

Practice makes perfect!

Sadly, it is a fact that presently the world seems to have practice in keeping itself down, constant fear mongering and a global mental crisis that is like a real infectious disease are only surpassed by the FAKE JOY on social media.

Do you want the world to change?

The world HAS LONG CHANGED... now it's time to pay attention to yourself. Let things out there be the way they are....

GET OUT of a situation that is not good for YOU as a human being!

And since it's not good for you as a person, it's just as not good for the people around you. That goes for clients, customers, patients, friends and family.

"Thoughts are free?" Unfortunately, it seems that too many confuse this familiar refrain with thinking that their thoughts cost nothing. Free ≠ Gratis! Sure, it doesn't cost you a dime the moment you have whatever thought, but the thought - always - has an impact!

There is no thinking without charge? Brainpower is NOT for nothing!

And the effects of your brainpower can cost you millions or give you quite extraordinary results, financial freedom, spatial liberation, temporal autonomy, as well as fame, status and riches of all kinds.

So: No, the thoughts are not free in the sense of "don't cost you a dime" but you can decide freely what thoughts you CARE for!

I think no one thought, before a long, laborious, costly and time-consuming study, what it means to have to spend the rest of your career within four walls, in your own practice, or in the company or in the hospital. And then: an hour "out" every day? To have a quick meal and rest a little? Is that life?

Rat race! And even the winner: Is still a rat!

I think no one thought, before 2020 what level of weirdness humankind can adapt to, right?

Where is YOUR LIMIT? When exactly is your moment in which you will say. "STOP! Not one step further..."

So, NOW: Your thoughts are definitely not FREE. But you are free enough to think NEW. To think better.

There was a time, someday, sometime, long, long ago, I thought: Wow in the year 2000 what will be possible. Will we travel to space? Or at least be all masters of telepathy and higher emotion? Whatever my concepts have been: Come on! We are in 2022 and a grocery clerk forbids my wife to buy more than two bread baking mixes? For a family of 4? Tell me, how could the World become nuts like that?

This is just an example of all the bullshit we still endure because the majority is simply not yet ready to say NO. I believe it is because they do not yet see any meaningful options. No, I do NOT want revolutions in the streets, I do not want riots and tumults. And I strongly believe that in the long run, people get what they deserve. Let us NOT FORGET, and let's get far more creative, together!

I want the right people to get together and create alternatives. We will find a way.

If everything were possible, and YOU could send a really valuable message to the world. What would it be?

Be creative! Please don't hesitate to SHARE YOUR MESSAGE HERE AS A COMMENT

Next week we'll look more at how "FREE!" your thoughts are. And we'll get back to the most exciting topic of my life: quantum leaps, and how it's ALSO possible for YOU to literally "hop" from one state to another!

Let Joy Work For You and have a fantastic week

Love 'n gratitude: Gisbert


* If you long for a performance breakthrough because you leveled off, and it seems you've gotten stale, or burned? Want to take my 48-hour challenge? — What could you do in 48 Hours? Watch a lot of Netflix and News. Follow the nonsense. Dance a weird dance on TikTok or you can just catch up on sleep. The truth is, you can do a lot in ONE day…

So, what if I told you in less than 48 hours?I could mentor you on how to set up a fully structured NEW business model (or reload and accelerate the existing one) so that it matches 100% with your true self.

Would you take me up on that challenge?


