Thoughts- An Expression of Life
Himani Deswal
Sales Strategist I Founder I Women's Leadership Development l ICF-PCC Coach I UN Women Delegate
Our behavior towards the things we do reflect our attitude towards life. The mood swings tend to leave an impression on our actions. How we behave towards a specific situation is because of the persuasion of our thoughts. In addition to this, the decisions we make during this time are considered one of the finest and best decisions of our life. The aura that surrounds us plays a major role in this. It provokes our emotions, behavioral responses, and ultimately our thoughts too.
The trio of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors govern a person’s life cycle. So, it is important to know what each one denotes and the significance they hold in our life.
Our thoughts comprise a lot of information sent by our brain and refined by our mind. The mind acts as a gatekeeper of the computed information. It then refines the relevant and irrelevant information and this determines our mental focus. These focused thoughts become our beliefs and result in impacting our feelings positively or negatively.
The emotional response to our thoughts and behaviors are our feelings. They indicate our connection with a situation. They come from our perspectives and experiences i.e. our thoughts.?This makes the situation a bit tricky. It is so because we add our definition of thoughts in the form of an emotional response to this. These emotions sometimes combine as various emotions felt in a day, which leads to a lot of confusion. Quite a few times there are emotions of hunger, stress times of the day, anger from a fight, or sadness from not-so-good news. They get mixed and confuse the brain. This mixture comes in the form of mixed feelings.
Behaviors are the result of feelings and thoughts. Our thoughts persuade our actions thereby affecting our behavior. If one develops a particular thought about something it develops into a certain feeling thereby affecting the behavior towards it.
So, there is a great connection between the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of a person. These provoke emotions and develop responses in behavior towards a situation or life. Life is a journey of many single steps taken at a certain time, and these help in building a positive response towards life. This process leads to the creation of awareness and once this is done an individual can determine our thoughts towards an expression of life.