Thoughts Create
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
All thoughts are creative, but not all thoughts create.
All traditions maintain that you are created in the image and likeness of the Creative Power.
That means you have the same qualities and characteristics, just to a lesser degree.
The Mona Lisa has the same qualities and characteristics of da Vinci, only to a lesser degree.
A drop of water from the ocean has the same qualities and characteristics of the ocean, only to a lesser degree.
Likewise, you with your Creative Power. You have the God-Force pulsating within and through you only to a lesser degree.
The problem is that most forget.
All new creations begin as an idea. No exception.
Ideas come frequently and consistently to us all.
Ideas of pain, fear, suffering, injustice, abandonment and lack.
Or ideas of power, hope, fulfillment, perfect justice, empowerment and abundance.
It's the one's that you fall in love with that determines whether you’re going to create with that thought or not.
I was interviewed in the past and was asked, “James do you believe that thoughts are powerful?”
I answered, “All thoughts are potentially powerful. But only the thoughts that have emotion (energy in motion) attached to them actualize their potential.
What are you thinking?
More importantly, what are you in love with?
Regardless of what you tell me, your actions and results scream the truth.
Many are in love with their misery. For that’s what they constantly give attention and energy to.
How about you?
Your move.
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