Thoughts about consciousness..
Pooja Lamba Monga
Increasing Organisational Capacity by 10x | Aligning Orgs through Satya, Sanskar and Sanskriti | Building High-Performance Teams
I have often wondered what it means when someone says consciousness. Is it the voice in our head that stops us from doing the wrong things, or is it the presence deep within us that listens to the voice that commands? Does consciousness even drive us?
Is it the unbiased neutral force sitting within us and watching us make decisions? Does it even understand the difference between good and bad? Or does it just help us vibrate to the frequency of how we feel about our actions - high or low?
If we all are a part of the universe, our consciousness is a part of bigger consciousness. Like a leaf of a big tree. It has the same living force inside us too.
Is that life force conscious; that is present in every single atom?
If there ever was a big bang, we emerged from the same star. And will collapse into the same one day. Right now, we continue to expand.?
But didn’t we learn that energy can neither be created nor destroyed?
If we’re expanding, is it because we have a great amount of energy stored within us that we haven’t explored yet and every time we evolve, we use some of it to expand - mentally, physically, and emotionally?
A certain experience gave me something to ponder.
I was in a temple, making offerings to the idol of a Hindu god, absentmindedly.
Once we were done, my partner took me to a corner where people were lighting diyas and keeping them next to each other.
And I began to wonder… how can one Diya be the source of light to thousands of diyas without diminishing its own glow. And the diyas it lights, further become the source of glow for an infinite amount of other diyas.
If energy can not be created, how is it being cloned infinitely without losing its own glow?
Is fire a source of hidden energy that continues to sustain itself even if it gives some of its energy away to other objects?
Are we a source of the same infinite energy that we continue to experience, the more we learn to access it? Do we have infinite potential in its purest and raw form that gets activated once we realize its presence within us?
Is this the reason why the wise sages of satyug lived a thousand years enlightening every corner of the world? Did they learn how to access the source of infinite energy within?
And aren’t we all then the same gods that we bow to?
Aren’t we the diyas that are lit from a source, and have the potential to light up an infinite more by becoming a source for them?
It was in that moment, I got a glimpse of the absolute truth.
That light from the Diya is the consciousness that shows you every deed, good or bad, with the same intensity and makes you aware of reality.
It is the life force with access to infinite energy that comes from realizing the one Truth.
It doesn’t judge, it shows.
The only difference is, you don’t need your eyes to see the reality that your consciousness has to offer.