Thoughts become things...
Ellis Botman★ MultiPreneur and Investor ★
Investor | Strategist | Crypto Mentor ~ Helping People Unlock The Secret To Multiple Streams Of Income
I am a firm believer of the Law of Attraction. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your current situation in life may be when you are looking to become more successful the one thing that you should always be sure to remember is this: as human beings, there are no ceilings or restrictions on how much we are able to achieve individually.
Tony Robbins is one of the most known Law of Attraction coaches in the world and a true inspiration to me. #TonyRobbins
I decided to take control over my time and future.
Within you is limitless potential and never-ending possibility. Understand this and believe this down to your very core. Then you have discovered one of the keys to the Law of Attraction. And when you understand the key, you will allow yourself to look further than ever before.
Society has taught for a long time now the importance of positivity in finding success. This is not a new concept in any way but is a core teaching of the Law of Attraction. Exploring the idea that positivity can only ultimately result in more positivity.
You may often wonder at the positive thinkers of the world, those who we admire in their ability to brush themselves down and still offer the world a smile, even when to us their situation may seem bleak.
These ‘positive’ individuals often stand out to us for their eternal enthusiasm and happy demeanor. Not to mention the great things that often come their way. These people are a living example to us all of the power of positivity in a person’s life.
Opening your mind up to the positivity that surrounds us can not only help you to expand your mind to the boundless opportunities within your life but also to your own potential within, enabling you to have greater faith and belief in yourself and what you are capable of.
Are you stuck in a rut at work? Afraid to apply for jobs that are seemingly out of your reach? It is a common complaint amongst many that they just can’t find the work that they want. Or, that they have had to settle for an ‘average’ job that has left them dissatisfied and feeling undervalued if they have even managed to find a job at all.
Know that you are a confident, intelligent, highly-capable and successful _______ (fill in the blank) and this is what you can become.
I was able to make a huge change in my life by choosing to work online and not limit myself anymore by the 9-5 grind. The freedom of Living the #LaptopLifestyle is amazing. It will allow you to live the life you want.
ps: Want to know more about the Law of Attraction: i can recommend some really nice books about it and even a movie! Ask me! :)