Thoughts, Action, Perception
Rajeev Singhal
Training is that strategic inflection point which bridges gap in ever challenging competitive market.
People speak their mind, though words may have a different reflection but similar perception what is there in mind of an individual. Person speaking such words, is in a world who thinks that others may perceive it what my words are, but people with wisdom would certainly understand what is there in their mind, when mind and body equation is incongruent.
There is a paradox that people who grow in age, usually are considered intellectual having faced challenges of life and weathered and have wisdom to have a solution centric approach and should be an asset. Whereas growing age can also be a parameter to not to consider such people for more responsible positions as general tendency is that physically and mentally, they may not be agile and may be heading towards senility.
Connect between from my preamble and paradox is such an intellect may be acknowledged for their contributions however not given opportunities to grow in position. So, pre-empting statement would be that beyond an age group we do consider people for higher responsibilities, but when opportunities arise, approach is different and conflict between mind and body becomes quite conspicuous when questioned.
There can be umpteen reasons beyond paradox, like people want to group with like minded people, people who abide by command or people who may not be a perceived threat.
I have also observed people narrating an action and stating that said action would not be judged. Point to ponder upon is if you have stated something as a preamble, probably that is on top of your mind, and you would certainly be judging that action. Otherwise, statement could be that nobody would judge you and not to speak of action. “People should speak of their actual mind and not a pretentious one”.