Thought-provoking statements made in 1988!
The Book of Books and Wisdom
August 21, 1888
The study of the Bible will give strength to the intellect.
Says the Psalmist, "The entrance of Your Words gives Light; it gives understanding unto the simple."
The question has often been asked me, "Should the Bible become the important book in our schools?"
It is a precious book, a wonderful book.
It is a treasury containing jewels of precious value.
It is a history that opens to us the past centuries.
Without the Bible, we should have been left to conjectures and fables in regard to the occurrences of past ages.
Of all the books that have flooded the World, be they ever so valuable,
the Bible is the Book of books, and is most deserving of the closest study and attention.
It gives not only the history of the Creation of this World, but a description of the World to come.
It contains instruction concerning the wonders of the Universe,
and it reveals to our understanding the Author of the heavens and the Earth.
It unfolds a simple and complete system of theology and philosophy.
Those who are close students of the Word of God, and who obey its instructions, and love its plain Truths,
will improve in mind and manners.
It is an endowment of God that should awaken in every heart the most sincere gratitude, for it is the revelation of God to humankind.
If the Truths of the Bible are woven into practical life, they will bring the mind up from its Earthliness and debasement.
Those who are conversant with the Scriptures, will be found to be men and women who exert an elevating influence.
In searching for the Heaven-revealed Truths,
The Spirit Of God is brought into close connection with the sincere searcher of the Scriptures.
An understanding of the revealed will of God,
enlarges the mind, expands, elevates, and endows it with new vigor,
by bringing its faculties in contact with stupendous Truths.
If the study of the Scriptures is made a secondary consideration, great loss is sustained.
The Bible was for a time excluded from our schools,
and Satan found a rich field, in which he worked with marvelous rapidity, and gathered a harvest to his liking.
The understanding takes the level of the things with which it becomes familiar.
If all would make the Bible their study, we should see a people further developed, capable of thinking more deeply,
and showing a greater degree of intelligence,
than the most earnest efforts in studying merely the sciences and histories of the World could make them.
The Bible gives the true seeker an advanced mental discipline,
and he (or she) comes from contemplation of divine things with his faculties enriched;
self is humbled, while God and His revealed Truth are exalted.
It is because men (and women) are unacquainted with the precious Bible histories,
that there is so much lifting up of humankind, and so little honor given to God.
The Bible contains just that quality of food that the Christian needs,
in order that he (or she) may grow strong in spirit and intellect.
The searching of all books of philosophy and science,
cannot do for the mind and morals, what the Bible can do, if it is studied and practiced.
Through the study of the Bible, converse is held with patriarchs and prophets.
The Truth is clothed in elevated language, which exerts a fascinating power over the mind;
the thought is lifted up from the things of Earth, and brought to contemplate the glory of the future immortal life.
What wisdom of man can compare with the grandeur of the revelation of God?
Finite humankind, who knows not God, may seek to lessen the value of the Scriptures,
and may bury the Truth beneath the supposed knowledge of science.
Those who boast of wisdom beyond the teaching of the Word of God, need to drink deeper of the fountain of knowledge,
that they may learn their real ignorance.
There is a boasted wisdom of humankind, that is foolishness in the sight of God.
Let no man (or woman) deceive himself (or herself).
"If any man among you seem to be wise in this World, let him become a fool that he may be wise.
For the wisdom of this World is foolishness with God: for it is written,
‘He takes the wise in their own craftiness.’"
Those who have only this wisdom, need to become fools in their own estimation.
The greatest ignorance that now curses the human race, is in regard to the binding claims of the Law of God;
and this ignorance is the result of neglecting the study of the Word of God.
It is Satan's determined plan to so engage and absorb the mind,
that God’s great Guide Book shall not be the Book of books,
and that the sinner may not be led from the path of transgression to the path of obedience.
The Bible is not exalted to its place, and yet of what infinite importance it is to the souls of humans.
In searching its pages, we move through scenes majestic and eternal.
We behold Jesus, The Son of God, coming to our World, and engaging in the mysterious conflict that discomfited the powers of darkness.
O how wonderful, how almost incredible it is, that the infinite God would consent to the humiliation of His own dear Son!
Let every student of the Scriptures contemplate this great fact,
and he (or she) will not come from such a contemplation without being elevated, purified, and ennobled.
The Bible is a book which discloses the principles of right and Truth.
It contains whatever is needful for the saving of the soul,
and at the same time, it is adapted to strengthen and discipline the mind.
If used as a text book in our schools, it will be found far more effective than any other book in the World,
in guiding wisely in the affairs of this life,
as well as in aiding the soul up the ladder of progress which reaches to Heaven.
God cares for us as intellectual beings, and He has given us His Word as a lamp to our feet and a Light to our pathway.
"The entrance of Your Word gives Light; it gives understanding to the simple."
It is not the mere reading of the Word that will accomplish the result that is designed by Heaven,
but the Truth revealed in the Word of God must find an entrance into the heart,
if the good intended is obtained.
The best educated in the sciences are not always the most effective instruments for God’s use.
There are many who find themselves laid aside,
and those who have had fewer advantages of obtaining knowledge of books, taking their places,
because the latter have a knowledge of practical things that is essential to the uses of every-day life;
while those who consider themselves learned, often cease to be learners,
are self-sufficient, and above being taught, even by Jesus,
Who was the greatest teacher the World ever knew.
Those who have grown and expanded,
whose reasoning faculties have been improved by deep searching of the Scriptures,
that they may know the will of God, will come into positions of usefulness;
for the Word of God has had an entrance into their life and character.
It must do its peculiar work, even to the piercing asunder of the joints and marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart
God’s Word is to become the nourishment
by which the Christian must grow strong, in spirit and in intellect,
that he (or she) may battle for Truth and righteousness.
Why is it that our youth, and even those of maturer years, are so easily led into temptation and sin?—
It is because the Word of God is not studied and meditated upon as it should be.
If it were appreciated, there would be
an inward rectitude,
a strength of spirit,
that would resist the temptations of Satan to do evil.
A firm, decided will-power is not brought into the life and character,
because the sacred instruction of God is not made the study, and the subject of meditation.
There is not the effort put forth that there should be,
to associate the mind with pure, holy thoughts,
and to divert it from what is impure and untrue.
There is not the choosing of the better part, the sitting at the feet of Jesus,
as did Mary, to learn the most sacred lessons of the divine Teacher,
that they may be laid up in the heart, and practiced in the daily life.
Meditation upon holy things will elevate and refine the mind, and will develop Christian ladies and gentlemen.
God will not accept one of us who is belittling his (or her) powers in lustful, Earthly, debasement, by thought, or word, or action.
Heaven is a pure and holy place, where none can enter unless they are refined, spiritualized, cleansed, and purified.
There is a work for us to do for ourselves, and we shall be capable of doing it only by drawing strength from Jesus.
We should make the Bible our study above every other book;
we should love it, and obey it as the voice of God.
We are to see and to understand his restrictions and requirements,
"thou shalt”, and "thou shalt not”, and realize the true meaning of the Word of God.
When God’s Word is made the man of our counsel, and we search the Scriptures for Light,
angels of Heaven come near to impress the mind, and enlighten the understanding,
so that it can truly be said, "The entrance of Your words gives Light; it gives understanding to the simple."
It is no marvel that there is not more Heavenly-mindedness shown among the youth who profess Christianity,
when there is so little attention given to the Word of God.
The divine counsels are not heeded;
the admonitions are not obeyed; grace and Heavenly wisdom are not sought,
that past sins may be avoided,
and every taint of corruption be cleansed from the character.
David's prayer was, "Make me to understand the way of Your precepts; so shall I talk of Your wonderful works."
If the minds of our youth, as well as those of more mature age, were directed aright when associated together,
their conversation would be upon exalted themes.
When the mind is pure, and the thoughts elevated by the Truth of God, the words will be of the same character,
"like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
But with the present understanding, with the present practices,
with the low standard which even professed Christians are content to reach, the conversation is cheap and profitless.
It is "of the Earth, Earthy”, and savors not of the Truth, or of Heaven,
and does not come up even to the standard of the more cultured class of Worldlings.
When Christ and Heaven are the themes of contemplation, the conversation will give evidence of the fact.
The speech will be seasoned with grace,
and the speaker will show that he (or her) has been obtaining an education in the school of The Divine Teacher.
Says the Psalmist, "I have chosen the way of Truth: Your judgments have I laid before me."
He treasured the Word of God.
It found an entrance to his understanding, not to be disregarded; but to be practiced in his life.
Unless the Sacred Word is appreciated, it will not be obeyed as a sure, and safe, and precious text book.
Every besetting sin must be put away.
Warfare must be waged against it until it is overcome.
The LORD will work with your efforts.
As finite, sinful man works out his own Salvation with fear and trembling,
it is God who works in him, to will and to do of his own good pleasure.
But God will not work without the co-operation of humans.
He (or she) must exercise his (or her) powers to the very utmost;
he (or she) must place himself as an apt, willing student in the School of Christ;
and as he (or she) accepts the grace that is freely offered to him (or her),
the presence of Christ in the thought and in the heart will give him (or her) decision of purpose,
to lay aside every weight of sin, that the heart may be filled with all the fullness of God, and of His love.
The students of our schools should consider that, through the contemplation of sin,
the sure result has followed,
and their God-given faculties have been weakened
and unfitted for moral advancement, because they have been misapplied.
There are many who admit this as the Truth.
They have cherished pride and self-conceit, until these evil traits of character have become a ruling power,
controlling their desires and inclinations.
While they have had a form of Godliness, and have performed many acts of self-righteousness,
there has been no real heart change.
They have not brought their life practices into definite and close measurement
with the great standard of righteousness, the Law of God.
Should they critically compare their life with this standard,
they could not but feel that they were deficient, sin-sick, and in need of a physician.
They can only understand the depth to which they have fallen,
by beholding the infinite sacrifice that has been made by Jesus Christ,
to lift them out of their degradation.
There are but few who have an appreciation of the grievous character of sin,
and who comprehend the greatness of the ruin that has resulted from the transgression of God’s Law.
By examining the wonderful plan of redemption to restore the sinner to the moral image of God,
we see that the only means for a human's deliverance was wrought out by
the self-sacrifice, and the unparalleled condescension and love of The Son of God.
He alone had the strength to fight the battles with the great adversary of God and humankind,
and, as our substitute and surety, He has given power to those who lay hold of Him by faith,
to become victors in His Name, and through His merits.
We can see in the Cross of Calvary what it has cost The Son of God to bring Salvation to a fallen race.
As the sacrifice in behalf of humankind was complete,
so the restoration of humankind from the defilement of sin must be thorough and complete.
The Law of God has been given to us, that we may have rules to govern our conduct.
There is no act of wickedness that the Law will excuse;
there is no unrighteousness that will escape its condemnation.
The life of Christ is a perfect fulfillment of every precept of this Law.
He says, "I have kept my Father's commandments."
The knowledge of the Law would condemn the sinner, and crush hope from his (or her) breast,
if he did not see Jesus as his (or her) substitute and surety, ready to pardon his (or her) transgression, and to forgive his (or her) sin.
When, through faith in Jesus Christ, humankind does according to the very best of his (or her) ability,
and seeks to keep the way of The Lord, by obedience to the Ten Commandments,
the perfection of Christ is imputed to cover the transgression of the repentant and obedient soul.
There will be an effort made on the part of many pretended friends of education to divorce religion from the sciences, in our schools.
They would spare no pains or expense to impart secular knowledge;
but they would not mingle with it a knowledge of what God has revealed as constituting perfection of character.
And yet a training in the Truth of God would develop the mind, and impart secular knowledge as well;
for the very foundation of true education is in the fear of The Lord.
Says the Psalmist, "The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
The living oracles of God reveal the deceptions of the father of lies.
Who of our youth can know anything of what is Truth, in comparison with error, unless they are acquainted with the Scriptures?
The simplicity of true Godliness must be brought into the education of our young people,
if they are to have divine knowledge to escape the corruptions that are in the World through lust.
Those who are truly the followers of Christ, will not serve God only when it is in accordance with their inclination,
but, as well, when it involves self-denial and cross-bearing.
The earnest counsel given by the Apostle Paul to Timothy, that he might not fail in doing his duty, should be set before the youth of today:
"Let no man despise your youth;
but be you an example of the believers,
in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
Besetting sins must be battled with, and overcome.
Objectionable traits of character, whether hereditary or cultivated,
should be taken up separately, and compared with the great rule of righteousness;
and in the light reflected from the Word of God,
they should be firmly resisted and overcome, through the strength of Christ.
"Follow peace with all men (and women), and holiness,
without which no man (or woman) shall see The Lord."
Day by day, and hour by hour, there must be a vigorous process of self-denial and of sanctification going on within;
and then the outward works will testify that Jesus is abiding in the heart by faith.
Sanctification does not close the avenues of the soul to knowledge,
but it comes to expand the mind, and to inspire it to search for Truth, as for hidden treasure;
and the knowledge of God’s will advances the work of sanctification.
There is a Heaven, and O, how earnestly we should strive to reach it.
I appeal to the students of our schools and college, to believe in Jesus as your Savior.
Believe that He is ready to help you by His grace, when you come to Him in sincerity.
You must fight the good fight of faith.
You must be wrestlers for the Crown of Life.
Strive, for the grasp of Satan is upon you;
and if you do not wrench yourselves from him, you will be palsied and ruined.
The foe is on the right hand, and on the left, before you, and behind you;
and you must trample him under your feet. Strive, for there is a crown to be won.
Strive, for if you win not the Crown, you lose everything in this life and in the future life.
Strive, but let it be in the strength of your risen Savior.
Will the students of our schools study, and endeavor to copy the life and character of Him Who came down from Heaven
to show them what they must be, if they would enter the Kingdom of God?
I have borne you a message of the near coming of The Son of God in the clouds of Heaven, with power and great glory.
I have not presented before you any definite time,
but have repeated to you the injunction of Christ Himself, to watch unto prayer,
"for in such an hour as you think not, The Son Of Man comes."
The warning has come echoing down the ages to our time,
"Behold, I come quickly,
and My reward is with Me to give every man and woman according as his (or her) work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and the last.
Blessed are they who do His commandments, that they
may have right to the Tree of Life,
and may enter in through the gates into the city."
Divine Wisdom
April 17, 1888
As Paul journeyed from Berea, he stopped at Athens to await the arrival of Silas and Timotheus;
and "his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.
Therefore disputed he in the Synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.
Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him.
And some said, ‘What will this babbler say?’
Others, ‘He seems to be setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the Resurrection.’
The philosophers who entered into conversation with the Apostle were soon convinced that his knowledge exceeded their own.
He was competent to meet their opposition on their own ground,
matching logic with logic, learning with learning, philosophy with philosophy, and oratory with oratory.”
At the close of his labors he looked for the results of his work.
Out of the large assembly that had listened to his eloquent words, only three had been converted to the faith.
He then decided that from that time he would maintain the simplicity of the Gospel.
He was convinced that the learning of the World was powerless to move the hearts of men,
but that the Gospel was the power of God unto Salvation.”
Paul wrote to the Corinthians,
"And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom,
declaring unto you the testimony of God.
For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."
He declares,
"For Christ sent me . . . to preach the Gospel; not with wisdom of words,
lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish, foolishness;
but to us which are saved, it is the power of God.
For it is written,
‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."
The great and essential knowledge is the knowledge of God and His Word.
Peter exhorted his brethren to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
There should be a daily increasing of spiritual understanding;
and the Christian will grow in grace, just in proportion as he (or she)
depends upon and appreciates the teaching of the Word of God,
and habituates himself (or herself) to meditate upon divine things.
all pride of opinion and dependence upon the wisdom of this World is unprofitable and vain.
When men, instead of humbly receiving the Truth of God in whatever way it may be sent to them,
begin to criticize the words and manners of the messenger,
they are manifesting their lack of spiritual perception, and their want of appreciation for the Truth of God,
which is of vastly more importance than the most cultured and pleasing discourse.
One critical speech, disparaging the messenger of God, may start a train of unbelief in some mind
that will result in making of none effect the Word of Truth.
Those who have a constant struggle to cherish humility and faith, are far from being benefited by this course.
Anything like pride in learning, and dependence upon scientific knowledge,
which you place between your soul and the Word of the Bible,
will most effectually close the door of your heart to the sweet, humble religion of the meek and lowly Jesus.
The World's Redeemer did not come with outward display, or a show of Worldly wisdom.
Men (and women) could not see beneath the disguise of humility, the glory of The Son of God.
He was "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief."
He was to them as a root out of dry ground, with no form or comeliness that they should desire Him.
But He declared, "The Spirit of The LORD God is upon Me;
because The LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the meek;
He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are bound."
Christ reached the people where they were.
He presented the plain Truth to their minds in the most forcible and simple language.
The humble poor, the most unlearned, could comprehend, through faith in Him, the most exalted Truths of God.
No one needed to consult the learned doctors as to his meaning.
He did not perplex the ignorant with mysterious inferences,
or use unaccustomed and learned words, of which they had no knowledge.
The greatest teacher the World has ever known, was the most definite, simple, and practical in His instruction.
While priests and rabbis were assuring themselves of their competency
to teach the people, and to cope even with The Son of God in expounding doctrine,
He charged them with ignorance of the Scriptures or the power of God.
It is not the learning of the World's great men that opens the mysteries of the plan of redemption.
The priests and rabbis had studied the Prophecies, but they failed to discover the precious proofs
of The Messiah's advent,
of the manner of His coming,
of His mission and character.
Men who claimed to be worthy of confidence because of their wisdom,
did not perceive that Christ was The Prince Of life.
The rabbis looked with suspicion and contempt upon everything
that did not bear the appearance of Worldly wisdom, national exaltation, and religious exclusiveness;
but the mission of Jesus was to oppose these very evils, to correct these erroneous views,
and to work a reformation in faith and morals.
He attracted attention to purity of life, to humility of spirit, and to devotion to God and His cause,
without hope of Worldly honor or reward.
He must divest religion of the narrow, conceited formalism which made it a burden and a reproach.
He must present a complete, harmonious Salvation to all.
The narrow bounds of national exclusiveness must be overthrown;
for His Salvation was to reach to the ends of the Earth.
He rejoiced in spirit, as He beheld the poor of this World eagerly accepting the precious message which He brought.
He looked up to heaven, and said, "I thank You, O Father, LORD of Heaven and Earth,
because You has hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them to babes.
Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Your sight."
It is the humble in heart that receive the enlightenment of Heaven,
that is more precious than the boasted wisdom of the World.
By faith in The Son of God a transformation takes place in the character.
The child of wrath becomes the child of God.
He passes from death unto life.
The infinite sacrifice of The Son of God is a propitiation for the transgressions of the repenting sinner.
He (or she) becomes spiritual, and discerns spiritual things.
The wisdom of God enlightens his (or her) mind, and he (or she) beholds wondrous things out of God’s Law.
This Salvation which offers pardon to the transgressor, presents to him (or her) the righteousness that will
bear the scrutiny of The Omniscient One,
gives victory over the powerful enemy of God and humankind,
provides eternal life and joy for its receiver,
and may well be a theme of rejoicing to the humble who hear thereof and are glad.
It is the completeness of Salvation that gives it its greatness.
No man can measure or understand it by Worldly wisdom.
It may be contemplated with the most profound and concentrated study,
but the mind loses itself in the untraceable majesty of its Author;
but the soul united with God in meditation of His unfathomable riches,
is expanded and becomes more capable of comprehending
to a greater depth and height, the glories of the plan of Salvation.
As the heart is converted to the Truth, the work of transformation goes on.
From day to day the Christian has an increased measure of understanding.
In becoming a man of obedience to the Word and will of God,
his (or her) abilities develop and strengthen
to comprehend and to do with increased skill and wisdom, the requirements of God.
The mind devoted unreservedly to God, under the guidance of The Divine Spirit develops generally and harmoniously.
The weak, vacillating character becomes changed through the power of God to one of strength and steadfastness.
Continual devotion and piety establish so close a relation between Jesus and His disciple
that the Christian becomes like Him in mind and character.
After association with The Son of God, the humble follower of Christ is found
to be a person of sound principle, clear perception, and reliable judgment.
He (or she) has a connection with God, the source of Light and understanding.
He (or she) who longed to be of service to the cause of Christ,
has been so quickened by the life-giving rays of The Sun of righteousness,
that he (or she) has been enabled to bear much fruit to the glory of God.
Men (and women) of the highest education and accomplishments have learned the most precious lessons
from the precept and example of the humble follower of Christ, Who is designated as "unlearned" by the World.
But could men (and women) look with deeper insight,
they would see that these humble men (and women) had obtained an education in the highest of all schools,
even in the school of The Divine Teacher, Who spoke as never anyone spoke.
Those who desire to be all that God intended humans should be in this life, should enter the school of Christ,
and learn of Him who is meek and lowly of heart.
But let no one imagine that we would discourage education, or put a low estimate upon the value of mental culture and discipline.
God would have us students as long as we remain in this World, ever learning and bearing responsibility.
We should be diligent and apt, and ready to teach others by precept and example that which we have learned;
but no one should set himself (or herself) as a critic to measure the usefulness and influence of his (or her) brother,
who has had few advantages in obtaining book knowledge.
He (or she) may be rich in a rarer wisdom.
He may have a practical education in the knowledge of the Truth.
Says the Psalmist, "The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."
It is not the mere reading of the Word, not a theoretical knowledge of the Scriptures,
that gives this light and understanding to the simple.
Had this been the case, Jesus would not have said to the Jews,
"You know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God."
The wisdom spoken of by the Psalmist is that which is attained
when the Truth is opened to the mind and applied to the heart by The Spirit Of God;
when its principles are wrought into the character by a life of practical Godliness.
Through a connection with God the Christian will have clearer and broader views,
unbiased by his (or her) own preconceived opinions.
His (or her) discernment will be more penetrative,
his (or her) judgment more balanced and far-seeing.
His understanding, summoned to effort, has been exercised in contemplating exalted Truths,
and as he (or she) obtains Heavenly knowledge
he (or she) better understands his (or her) own weakness, and grows in humility and faith.
It is The Spirit Of God that quickens the lifeless faculties of the soul to appreciate Heavenly things,
and attracts the affections toward God and the Truth.
Without the presence of Jesus in the heart, religious service is only dead, cold formalism.
The longing desire for communion with God soon ceases when The Spirit Of God is grieved from us;
but when Christ is in us the hope of glory, we are constantly directed to think and act in reference to the glory of God.
The questions will arise, "Will this do honor to Jesus? will this be approved of by him?
Shall I be able to maintain my integrity if I enter into this agreement?"
God will be made the counselor of the soul, and we shall be led into safe paths,
and the will of God will be made the supreme guide of our lives.
This is Heavenly wisdom, imparted to the soul by The Father Of Light,
and it makes the Christian, however humble, the Light of the World.
For returning back to basic true Christianity,
Bible lover Bill
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