Thought for Our Future
Preeyan A.
Consultant, Talent Acquisition, Client Servecing, Business development, Process Management, Business development, Training and development.
We humans as a species are different from the rest of the beings on this planet because of one factor – Selfishness. We are so self-centered that we do not care about what we do and what will be the consequences of our decisions.
God has given us this gift to be able to think and foresee (wisdom) which we develop as we grow old. Because of this, our basic instincts are just at their base normal and we do not have the capabilities that most other beings on this earth have. This gift of God is also our curse, which if not utilized properly will lead to the downfall of our society. It is not too late we can rectify this situation if we realize where we are going wrong.
We are looking constantly at how we live every day, and we are losing focus on the future we are leaving. Our children are leaving us and moving to far-off places because we have been selfish and not taking the right steps to make the place, we live in better for anyone. A wise man once said that Tough times make men Strong, Strong men make life easy, easy life makes men weak, and weak men make life tough again. This is so true, and we can see it in the current generation. They have not seen the darkness of the night and hence do not value light. This leads to a very casual attitude and this attitude will take us on a downward trajectory, which may be detrimental to the future that we think we have visualized for them.
That said, what can we do to improve or improvise? This is just my thought, and you are free to dismiss this. If you have read till here, thank you and read on because this might just change your point of view.
1.?????? Change the education system.
Our schools are just running riot and the bad ideology of the administration is affecting the way our children are being taught. We come from a generation of people where we see Engineers doing Business administration courses and trying to sell products for a bank. Where does this lead. We need to have a system where children are taught the right things. See what suits them and give them opportunities to specialize in the field they want to take and build a life around it.
2.?????? Change in governance!
Our political system is rampant with corruption. This corruption is something we have been used to from when we were kids. The phrase they use to conserve wildlife is apt “When the buying stops, the killing stops too”. Let's reduce the demand of the bribe takers. Start saying no to bribes. Which also means that we start acting as responsible citizens.
3.?????? Cast your vote!
In a country of a billion people, 1 vote does not matter – this is the thought we all have when it comes to elections. But when all billion votes are for the right choice, we start having our voice back. During the pandemic we learned that everyone is a hero, it is what we achieved by unity that would not have been possible for the lack of it. Let's do our best to stay relevant to our country. This is the best service we can do for our people.
4.?????? Cleanliness
Start by cleaning your surroundings, when everyone is doing this, society stays clean, set examples, and move to clean our locality. Let this not just be the headache of the administrators, every one of us has a say, and let’s start taking responsibility. People who can afford to want to move out of our country and this is one of the biggest factors. Let's keep our locality clean and push for a cleaner city, it starts at home. Let's remember that.
5.?????? Opportunities
Creating opportunities for work and people around you will keep the migration at bay. Invest in the development of opportunities for others. A simple thing like supporting local businesses and investing in local development is an investment for the future. What is your money in the bank or share market going to fetch you. You get rich, but what is your contribution to the society as you get rich. Let’s break the saying that goes for India where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Opportunities increase capability of people to earn, charity will only make people lazy.
6.?????? Stand for what is right!
Encourage the right decisions, do not tolerate nonsense. People are spending more time on their devices these days and they are losing the ability to socialize in real life, we need to start realizing this and move out and see what we are doing to ourselves. Introspection is very important, and I beg you to. Do not fear conflict if you know you are standing for the right thing. Debates are good and making it healthy is in our hands. Unity will help.
7.?????? Take care of our elders
Our elders have created a base for where we are, in the next decade we will see our country ageing. Most of our community will have elders living without anyone to take care of them. India will soon be an old age home. They may have made mistakes in their lifetime, but if we want, we can turn it around for them. We can give them a better life by starting to contribute to it today. They may want the best for us and hence may ask us to go to places and live our life, but we need not move away to do that. Explore options and create opportunities of others right here in our backyard than trying to slave it out elsewhere. Our Karma will come back to us, and our children will start treating us that way.
The pandemic has affected everyone in some way or the other, but it has also left us a lot to learn. This piece of writing is just from my new thought process, and I would like to live by this every day. The expectation here is not to profess but to kindle a thought in you readers. The proof of appreciation of what I write here will only be in action. Thank you for reading, until next time,