A thought from Türkmen husband on Trump's Iran agenda

A thought from Türkmen husband on Trump's Iran agenda

Trump moves to press on Iran, and this is very bad.

I'll do all I can to raise awareness of what US is going to use my country for in upcoming Trump's agenda for Iran. I see how those americans' balls leakers that work for US and EU promoted "NGO"s here are getting active and already spreading propaganda lies about Iran.


The biggest threat to my country is getting involved in US politics with Iran. Count US "diplomacy" staff in Turkmenistan, you will realize that they outnumber our own MoFA officials. And they don't stay at underground basement on the corner of Magtymguly and Pushkin. If one wants to see how big is american influence in our country, look at public life - there is no public or social event that is any greater than US Embassy's Political and Economic Affairs department's projects. Much of what they do is collecting information on locals who sympathize with US political agenda, promoting them and introducing them to our military, law enforcement, educational and economic government institutions – I learned this from US Embassy’s telegrams on the matter on Wikileaks until 2016 and it will be stupid to assume they did not continue afterwards. They already tried to change the fundamental laws and Constitution, pushing through USAID grown "Entrepreneurs Party" and economic regulation by Entrepreneurs Union so to shift control over Turkmenistan's vast resources to their companies. These two institutions should be dissolved by our government long ago, the first day they presented their law change initiatives.

Now, here is what has great importance when it comes to real Iran. Peace and prosperity in our neighboring country is vital to our own wellbeing. And when it comes to agriculture and modern technologies, Iran becomes of strategic importance for our country. Here are few examples:

In terms of quality and range of production, there are over dozen Iranian irrigation supplies producing companies each producing greater range of items and types than most of world known brands; the superior quality and 11 times lower price dripping irrigation supplies if compared to RainBird, Eurobird, Netafim and alike producers from the West (our experience is that the western companies DO NOT PRODUCE DURABLE EQUIPMENT ANYMORE);

Самоочистной эмиттер с компенсацией по давлению, цена - ТМТ 0,08

Iranian companies produce outstanding quality, compliance and in average 2.5 times lower price of PE and PVC pipes, fittings, tubing, and the rest of irrigation system components - most of which is MUCH better quality than same product from Europe, Turkey and Israel;

Agriculture automation and machinery - Iran is gaining quality but keeps very, very competitive price on any of this.

This is just one little aspect of what Iran is today, relevant to our project's need among many others. Iran is of great importance to reduce the cost for growing agriculture production in whole region, while american agriculture machinery and chemistry companies done a lot to increase it. Later, we will be looking for processing our fruits, berries and vegetables machinery, and the price gap for Iranian equipment is even greater. If you search for the facts, you will be very surprised to see that there are around 20 more companies in Iran competing in producing reliable high quality dripping equipment while in the rest of the world there are very few.

And if I look from broader point, Iran with its history and developed industry is VITAL for our prosperity and security. Best supplier for constructing and maintaining any critical and strategic infrastructure for all countries of Central Asia. Only guarant for Afghanistan development and securing our borders, contrary to what USA and EU does here undermining our sovereignty over our natural resources and our people's national dignity.

When bloodshed of civil war in Tajikistan reached its summit, and Central Asian countries were flooded with refugees from there, Iran took absolutely important role to stop it; I am proud of our nation leaders offered Ashgabat as place for negotiations. Iran then offered unlimited humanitarian support to Tajikistan rebels and families in terms of accepting them on equal rights with own citizens, thus eliminating the main cause for revenge from parties in Tajikistan that suffered lives in tenths of thousands from hands of such. Once and forever, Iran provided peace solution – contrary to what was brewed by US which sought Uzbekistan and Tajikistan first to fall as states in region and were getting ready to push for such and take advantage (see US Congress hearing records on the matter).

When liberal economists which were introduced to Russian government back in 90th cut grain supply from Russia to my country in 90th, Iran has opened us equal access t it's grain stock and other vital products. Then, our president addressed nation with historic speech on our relationships with Iran - our mothers do remember it.

This is Iran I know. May Allah bless Turkmenistan, Turkestan and Iran!

Just little remark on ‘Turkestan’ term: it has nothing to do with agenda Turkey is pushing among Turkic nations; the least respected trend among us was anything Turkey does as the state, which is trying to dance the Sugar Plum Fairy on a tightrope stretched across the gap between East and West. Turkish business with the blessing of every Turkish government was robbing us just like the West was doing it last 33 years.



3 个月




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