Thought for the Day ~ You Got This
Lisa Scott
Certified Executive Leadership & Life Coach at Scott & Associates Consulting Group
Practice mindfulness every is the way you gain some control over how you are in the world. Mindfulness allows us to adjust our reactions to life so that we are neither suppressing nor exaggerating our feelings. Because you see, our feelings act as the barometer for our actions; and then our thoughts create our reality because they determine how we will respond to situations in our daily life. Most of us are too hard on ourselves. We have these standards that come out of our desire to get as close to perfection as possible. That desire is fueled by our need to be seen as good enough, and therefore worthy. When what we need to do each day is just strive to do our best; knowing that our best will look a little different at times and that is ok. Our minds must be conditioned to know that it doesn't matter what "they" think, it matters what we think. Our limits are defined by the agreements we make with ourselves about what's possible. Change those agreements and you will dissolve all your limitations.
Ultimately, our well being will be determined by how much love and compassion we are able to show ourselves when we need it most. While friends and family may support us and lift us up; we all need to learn to lift ourselves up and to create a shift in our feelings on the rough days. We must be our own guardian Angel; so show yourself the love and compassion today, that will say - I am enough, I can do this, If at first I don't succeed then I will try again. This is resilience. It is our rite of passage when we become adults. So when your mind is trying to make you believe the worst; be still and allow your thoughts to be the only movement in your stillness. Your mind is your power, your heart is your fuel, listen with your spirit. Now step out on faith......and enjoy the feeling of just being. Because..... YOU GOT THIS.
Christopher K. Germer said "A moment of self compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life."
By Lisa Scott ~ Certified Executive Life Coach