Thought for the Day ~ Use Your Voice
Thought for the Day ~ By Lisa Scott CEC

Thought for the Day ~ Use Your Voice

Today’s Challenge ~ Use your voice when you witness things that you know are wrong.?Always, stand up for what is right.

Always do your best......speak your truth. There are times in our lives that we connect with someone who encourages us, who invites the best in us to come back to life, and who most importantly gives us an opportunity to speak our truth. We all have things that we know about ourselves, about the people we spend our days with, and about our world that we don't acknowledge often enough. This knowledge is kept quietly packed away so that we feel and experience the gap between what we know and what we do and say. These gaps reveal the cracks in our ability to take what we know and to use it towards making our world better. After all, if you know something, and you know it isn't right, and you don't speak about it, then you are a part of the problem. Your silence always awards the win to the oppressor, the misogynist, and the racist.

We are conditioned to think that we need to just accept things as "part of life”, but dishonesty and ignorance are not something that you should accept in your life. After all, if you can see how things could be better, if you know that something is wrong. But you accept negative energy and treatment and uphold that acceptance with limiting statements like that is just the way it is, or the way we are, then you are saying yes to something that you know is not in the interest of the greater good.?You must speak your truth . Today, when you hear something that you know is not as it should be. Find the words to speak up and tell the truth about the situation. Stress will remain a shadow in your days for as long as you choose to ignore the things that you know inherently are wrong. So today, say what you mean, and mean what you say, because, If you don't, you will leave your soul behind. Namaste

Robin Sharma said "Speaking your truth means speaking from your heart. Far too many people in our world speak only in the words they know the people around them want to hear. They use their words to manipulate and control rather than to express their true feelings and build the kind of understanding that always leads to greater love. In using words that do not reflect what they really mean or how they truly feel, they live their lives in a state of spiritual dishonesty. Only by speaking your truth, what you truly feel, believe, and know, will you be in a good position to be the leader that you are destined to be. Speak your truth, even when your voice cracks."

By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach



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