Thought for the Day ~ Trust is your Superpower
Lisa Scott
Certified Executive Leadership & Life Coach at Scott & Associates Consulting Group
Always do your best……every time we replace fear with trust in our own lives, we make the world a better place. Because if we let fear rule then we find ourselves in a prison of our own making. Fear makes us think that everything is an impending disaster. It makes us believe in a world where we are not enough. In fact, when fear drives our choices and decisions it creates conflict and generates forced errors. Fear will keep us small. It reinforces every tiny doubt and then magnifies it so that we are paralysed and unable to move forward.?But trust will return us to our power source. It encourages us to live our best life, by being brave enough to acknowledge our fear and doing it anyway.?Trust encourages us to stand in our power and not be battered by the circumstances in our lives.
Trust says you’ve got this; you are enough, everything will turn out okay, and if it doesn’t you will still be okay. Our fears will play with our mind and convince us that this is how our story ends. With self awareness we can remember that our desire to heal will build a bridge from fear to trust.?Trust will come in and give us the grace and courage so that we can see the current state as a turn we didn’t expect versus the end of the road. So, be committed to crossing that bridge, because on the other side of fear lies freedom. Stop walking the path of least resistance and living smaller than you are. We must get good at leaning into our own vulnerability and sitting in it until trust works it magic and the way forward is clear. Don’t look for security, look for opportunity. Unhappiness is a season that will pass, so do not let fear stop you. Live your life according to the light that is within you. Trust in yourself. Namaste.
Gillian Anderson said “ From early on, most of us have been taught to compare and compete with one another. Feeding our fear that we’re not enough. We’ve been culturally encouraged to view one another as rivals to work out who is more attractive, who is smarter, who is more likely to win at love or to succeed. Fear always leads to a binary system of winners and losers, of haves and have nots. Trust liberates us from that mentality. It tells us we’re enough and that there is enough. We no longer need to fear or be jealous of another’s success because we no longer see happiness as a finite resource whose stock is diminished by other people’s gains. Trust gives us permission to substitute cooperation and compassion for competition and to see one another as allies rather than rivals.”
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach