Thought for the Day ~ Self-Love Matters
Lisa Scott
Certified Executive Leadership & Life Coach at Scott & Associates Consulting Group
Always do your best…..sometimes we make strong choices that seem right at the time but later prove to be wrong. At the top of the list are the choices that are made for us or controlled by our emotions. Because the choices we make under the influence of strong emotions seldom have the objectivity our other choices have. While most of us recognize that better choices are made with a calm, cool head, we sometimes let ourselves get out of control and then we make choices from that space. That is why self-love and our relationship with ourselves matters. If our level of self-worth is low then our emotions will always override our good sense. So, we need to focus on loving ourselves and working on knowing that we are enough.
If not, then the programs in your head will become even stronger. Your reactions to reasonable and constructive feedback will be to defend, justify, and protect your ego rather than listening to understand. We are supposed to evolve as we mature and its good that most of us have worked hard to overcome past issues but understand that what you resolve will need to be resolved again, and again. You will come to know things that can only be known with the wisdom of age and the grace of living a few years. If we’re open to it, there are lessons in every day. They only become wisdom when we use them to make good choices and are committed to being better human beings. Remember your anger reveals what must be healed or forgiven. Ignore it and it will override your choices and your responses every time. It will destroy relationships and stop you from evolving the way you are meant to. Self-love matters. And so, it is. Namaste.
Brene Brown said “At its core defensiveness is a way to protect our ego and a fragile self-esteem. Our self-esteem is considered fragile when our failures, mistakes, and imperfections decrease our self-worth. In our work the opposite of a fragile self-esteem is grounded confidence. With grounded confidence we accept our imperfections, and they don’t diminish our self-worth. Defensiveness occurs in areas of our lives where we have fragile self-esteem. Any perceived call out of our weakness is experienced as an attack. Then defensiveness blocks us from hearing feedback and evaluating if we want to make meaningful changes in our thinking or behaviour based on the input.”
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach