Thought for the Day ~ The Light of Enlightenment

Thought for the Day ~ The Light of Enlightenment

Always do your will gain more understanding when you realize how you interpret what comes at you in life, reflects what is in you. Everything in life has a beginning, pauses, stops, and an end. ?It must stop to keep going. So why do we think that we can run infinitely, moving from one experience to another without ever stopping to rest or to heal? The truth is that keeping busy is a trauma response. We tell ourselves that if we're busy, then we don't have to deal with our fears, or our vulnerability. We use avoidance as our primary strategy. Rather than tapping into the power of our being. Remember, the light of enlightenment is already within you. It is powered by your thoughts and your words, and when we acknowledge, accept, and embrace the truth about ourselves, our light becomes a little brighter.


Leaning into vulnerability can be challenging for all of us....and yet it is vital to our well being. These are difficult times we are living in, with a lot of emotions to contend with in our own lives, and in the lives of those we love. Added to these are the things we bury. The things in the back of our minds that may still be a source of hurt, anger, or confusion. While we may tell ourselves that these emotions are from long ago and we can't really remember them....they remember us. They keep making our decisions for us. In these situations, our soul is calling out for healing; and until we are willing to remember the things we have learned to forget, we cannot participate in or benefit from the joys of healing. ?So, lean into tough emotions, sit with them for a minute. Allow them to emerge from the darkness and into the light. There, ?If you listen carefully, the silence is beautiful, and healing follows. Namaste


Brene Brown said "What gets in the way of reckoning with emotion is exactly what gets in the way of engaging in other courageous behaviours....fear. We don't like how difficult emotions feel and we're worried about what people might think. We don't know what to do with the discomfort and vulnerability. Emotion can feel terrible, even physically overwhelming. We can feel exposed, at risk, and uncertain in the midst of emotion. Our instinct is to run from pain. Most of us were never taught how to hold discomfort, sit with it, or communicate about it, only how to discharge it, dump it, or to pretend that it's not happening. While choosing to be curious, is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty."


By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach


