Thought for the Day ~ Life's Simple Pleasures
Thought for the Day ~ By Lisa Scott CEC

Thought for the Day ~ Life's Simple Pleasures

Always do your best…..make sure that you enjoy the basic blessings of life as your path unfolds. There is so much pressure to participate in the fast paced and soulless world that we live in, and too many of us believe the big lie. That happiness comes with the acquisition of things. It doesn’t. Happiness is a state of mind that is created by the way you process and interpret the events of your life. It is the understanding that most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes despite our best-efforts things don’t turn out the way we hoped that they would. Sometimes we hold on really hard and realize that there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small quiet room where we must sometimes contemplate the unacceptable.

And, since acceptance dwells nowhere but in our minds we must examine the questions we ask ourselves. Stop focusing on what you want, what you desire, and what you can accumulate. Ask yourself instead, what has been given to me? What do I have to give back? Then give it. Let yourself discover the wonders of your mind. How it can regulate its thoughts, fostering some of them, and dismissing others. The subtle parts of your mind will speak to you if you keep quiet long enough to let them. Good and evil will always exist. Only one clear criterion marks an action as good or evil; if it increases the amount of love in the world, it is good. If it separates and divides people and creates anger it is bad. So, give your very best to the world. Set your default on love and the enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures. Choose carefully what you pay attention to and what you ignore, these things make up your life. And so, it is. Namaste.

Robin Sharma said “Most of us miss out on life’s big prizes. The Pulitzer. The Nobel. Oscars, and Emmys. But we are all eligible for life’s small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four pound bass. A full moon. An empty parking space. A crackling fire. A great meal. A glorious sunset. Hot soup. Cold beer. Don’t fret about life’s grand awards. Enjoy its tiny delights. There are plenty for all of us.”

By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach



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