Thought for the Day ~ Kindness Matters in a Good Life
Lisa Scott
Certified Executive Leadership & Life Coach at Scott & Associates Consulting Group
Today's Challenge....Bring kindness to every interaction you have today
Always do your best.....the people around you, are your barrier to the outside world during tough times. It is in these moments in our lives, that we understand the power of our friendships and relationships. It is often said that people will enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. They will come to teach us something about ourselves, they may carry us through our darkest times, or they may love, grow, and be with us for a lifetime. Each relationship is an integral part of the golden thread of life. Weaving a beautiful patchwork of love, joy, and peace. We must never take those friendships for granted, for they are the treasures of a life well lived. ?So, we must begin with kindness. ?It is far easier for most of us to just put out thoughts out into the world and let them fall where they may.
But that is a form of personal neglect. It lacks a sense of responsibility for how we move through the world; and ultimately it is missing the most powerful ingredient.....LOVE. Being thoughtful, kind, and compassionate has to be a conscious effort. We have to have standards for how we will engage with the people in our lives, for the real measure of our humanity is in our soul. Like the sun, our best can be obscured temporarily. Kindness restores our clarity on living wholeheartedly. It transforms us, it dissolves our negativity, and it opens our hearts. Without love and kindness in the world, we lose our sense of connection and our ability to empathize with one another. The eternal truth will have peace when you are a part of something peaceful, and that part is within you. Always remember, peace is not a destination, it is a manner of traveling. And so, it is. Namaste.
Jennifer Nadel said "Kindness is what love looks like when we take it out and into the world. It pierces our hearts as keenly as any arrow, and in doing so, it allows love to flow in and out. Through gentle, loving actions, kindness transforms us into spiritual activists. Kindness brings a sense of meaning and purpose. As we apply this principle to our lives we discover that love starts to flow through us with increasing velocity and that we now feel truly part of the extraordinary world in which we all live. Without kindness, no matter how much we do, have, or achieve, there is a hollowness at our core. A yearning that persists. No amount of material achievement or possessions can assuage our spiritual longing. Kindness steps in to bring meaning and happiness. It is the final step on the journey from me to we."
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach