Thought for the Day ~ Breathe
Lisa Scott
Certified Executive Leadership & Life Coach at Scott & Associates Consulting Group
Today’s Challenge ~ Breathe consciously,?Breathe in peace, exhale tension.
Always do your best…..remember to breathe. When tension settles in; notice how tense your face, and body are; how your shoulders move up tightly and your jaw is stiff and rigid. Protecting your energy is imperative to prevent yourself from being energetically depleted. So, when we notice tension in our body it is a symptom that we need to protect, replenish, and clear our energy. No one is going to do that for you. You must use mindfulness to heal. That starts with understanding the life energy of breath. Taking slow deep breaths so that we move from the shallow breaths associated with tension, to the cleansing breaths that heal.?Breath is the tool that we always have within us.
It is one of the wonders of the human body that we often take for granted. Because, when the mind is not quiet. When our attention feels like it is being pulled in a thousand different ways, stress and disharmony take over. The fog that consumes us when we are depleted, obscures our way forward. But, with awareness, we realize there is a deep silence that exists behind it. One we can access with deep cleansing breaths. Today, find a quiet space, a place for you and breath. Remove all distractions and just be at one with your breathing. Breath is the expression of your pure life force. Be conscious of that life force as it comes in and out of your body. As you inhale, imagine love going directly to your heart, then circulating and cleansing your mind and body. With each exhale release tension, stress, and anything that no longer serves you. And so, it is. Namaste.
Rebecca Campbell said “To breathe deeply is to gulp in life. To breathe consciously is to say to the universe, I am here, and I am ready to receive. It’s the easiest and most natural part of life. So many of us go about our day taking shallow sips without air even reaching our bellies. If you feel stuck, tired, stressed, or afraid, just change your breath. It brings in the life force and gets things moving. Just like a good spring clean does to your house, breathing in deeply can transform any stagnation or stuck energy. Notice what your breath is doing right now. Is your breath deep or shallow? Do not underestimate the healing potential of the simple action of taking a breath.”
By Lisa Scott ~ Executive Life Coach