Thought of the Dave
Good morning and Happy . . .
- International Pancake Day (and it’s IHOP National Pancake Day)
- Let’s All Eat Right Day
- Fastnacht Day (or Fat Tuesday)
- Quiet Day
I ran across this quote on Monday night . . .
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” - John D. Rockefeller
Of course, it led me to think of our unofficial, internal, company motto, and the theme for the past two Store Manager’s Meetings. Going from good to great!
It also led me to think of so many of the negative, discouraging, short-sighted, mean-spirited comments that I see posted within a particular Facebook group that is filled with alleged Lowe’s associates – past and present. If you’re a member of the group, you know what I’m talking about; if you’re not a member of the group – well, think long and hard before changing that. A very small minority of the group is very vocal – they are critical of leadership – the executive leadership for the company, anything related to corporate, and oftentimes even their local leaders in the store. They question and resist change, pretty much every change; they look to discredit any positive signs nor recognize any win. Lots of people don’t like the uncomfortable, they don’t enjoy or appreciate change. Good suits them just fine, nothing wrong with good – they want to stay right there in the good, no reason to willingly leave good; what’s wrong with the good, there’s tons of companies that would love to be good.
Greatness, and striving for it, isn’t in everyone’s DNA. Some fly into these types of challenges and adventures willingly and with much gusto – moving from good to great to even greater; others have to be nudged in that direction, some have to be dragged through it, and some just refuse to be a part of that kind of journey all together? How about you?
Change is never easy nor comfortable, even the sort of change that ultimately leads to major improvement, it’s tough, it’s often painful, it’s frustrating . . . but if you’re up for it, it is also worth it!
I hope you’re one of the type of people who like to fly headfirst into a challenge – refusing to accept good when you know great is right on the other side of this obstacle course! Keep your chin and your spirits up! Stay focused on the goal – enjoy the journey – the challenges, the learning moments, the setbacks, the wins, and the ultimate victory will be so much sweeter when we get there!
“We become what we think about” – Emily Nightingale
Think big. Think better. Think greatness!