Thought 5/11/17
In class, 07:07, no students here yet. Decided something this morning…. I’m the best. At what. Anything I do and how I do it. Anyone reading this should assume the same ideology. If you write, you write a certain way, and you ARE the best at doing just that. And if you’re not yet the best, then you will be with work and self-study. With writing, art, building things, anything. Work, study, be curious and wild, just keep moving.
Cars passing down there on Elliot (not sure if I misspelled that or not, the street, but I don’t care immediately), and I feel a sense of rush, of hurry, of creative impend. I’m thinking this morning of things I want in life— you know, like bigger house and property for family, new car, take family on vacations, getting kids their first car.. things like that. And how do I get there— perfecting what it is I already have. We all need to take inward looks, jots from time to time. That’s the only way we improve, and avoid the stress-type that can truly cripple you.
At the end of a semester, everything runs through our brains. Everything. It doesn’t care we we feel or how stressed we get. It just continues toward us tirelessly. So WE, need be evermore tireless in our movements. Always be in a mode of ‘re-write’. And surrender, NEVER. Surrender is worse than any shape of defeat. Keep the thoughts and words whirling in your story. Not sure who this is a note to— maybe me, maybe you, maybe the wall or the clock in this classroom I just hear ticking and tocking and ticking and tocking away…. I’m more than the best at what I do. I’m an atmospheric level and altitude that hasn’t been discovered. I discovered it. I discovered myself, just this morning.
Keep climbing…