Thought 1776 ??
Culture precedes law and therefore, our country’s explicit negation of the “self” and the individual is the beginning of attempts to undermine the constitution. To the trained eye it is clear that the philosophers behind the emotionally charged narrative are critical of the objectivity of the “self.” This leads to an inevitable contradictory ideology of the fundamental precepts of our underlying country’s culture. This is a culture which proposes the individual rights of its constituents and which is cemented in place by the constitution and laws by which enable individual’s equality of opportunity under God. Regardless if one aligns with theological foundations or not, our secular and scientifically rooted legal system employs its boundaries to protect each individual’s independent rights no matter their unique differences. Does this mean there is not racism? No. Does this mean there is utopia? No. Does this mean there are people who have more difficulty? No. However, other than utopian- idealistic theory on paper there is no empirical evidence to substantiate claims of a utopia on earth. Is it necessary, vital and human to be idealistic, curious, creative and open to the possibility? Yes! However, in order for that human culture to develop accordingly and freely to get there, we must be able to speak. We must have individual rights. We must have open discourse. We must embrace conflict through dialogue. We must separate our emotions from our logic individually. We must be honest with ourselves. We must not devolve into the animalistic emotional systems such as, anger/rage and/or panic/sadness but rather, we must embrace seeking, care, and play. It is our duty to one another to be reasonable, be open, be empathetic and compassionate, but we cannot speak of the aforementioned and act out the antithesis. However, we must be educated to do all of which our founding fathers stated in our progressive, unique and paradigm shifting constitution. Did our constitution leave out a massive majority of our population today? Yes. According to the founding African Americans were 3/5 of a man. That is not only deplorable but unscientific and has since been refuted legally, systematically, and it has taken men, women and peoples of all races, creeds, origins, ages etc. to make America better and better every year. We are a nation of progressive post-enlightenment thought and we will continue to be if we maintain our constitution, our open culture, and embrace conflict through discourse, but we must have the latter! For, without open dialogue without violence there is no opportunity for unveiling the truth to mankind. Social evolution of consciousness is doomed to fail, and the negation of the self is inevitable. The latter means all people of all decent will be enslaved by their own self-entrapment and concealed from their potential by the replacement of the individual and their rights with a state which makes decisions—all decisions for them. The end will be raw for all parties who sign away their individuality, liberty and freedom over to a stare order or under the guise of being equal while not understanding or being aware of what equity really means. Equality is opportunity, but equity is distribution; the former is chaotic, hard and meaningful, but the latter is guaranteed, dysfunctional, dangerous, tribal, tyrannical and nihilistic. I have dedicated my life to this very work and will continue to work for unity, progress, freedom, equality of opportunity and it will be through competence, compassion, reason and love that I do so, I do not take the latter lightly nor these matters of grave importance. Our hope for equality of opportunity, the self-development over cultural racism, and alignment of our countries and the worlds culture will only be guaranteed through conversation and I as an individual who is free to speak can be responsible in totality only for how I interact with others and I choose care, and logic. Please join me in this journey, speak your mind, be honest with me others and yourself and let’s solve these vital problems. For, how we solve them is how we live a life meaningfully and without contradiction, we are that important and virtue is at stake. Therefore, human culture is at stake!