Thou Doth Protest Too Much
A Lust For Life

Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Lately I have seen many posts about two topics. Neither really have to do with work. Drinking to excess and pornography. I don't drink and never did. Well, in my nightclub days I was given a glass of champagne while on the dance floor. I accepted it and drank a little.

That's one way to show your gratitude. Does anyone need a sobriety coach? I know too much about Alcoholics Anonymous and many will sponsor someone looking to start in that program.

My father sponsored a young man after he was in the program a few years. Thus began his mid life crisis. He envied the fact a man in his twenties had no children and dated. My father had a family with a baby on the way.

He expected me to ignore that baby. You know the rest. In later years my father wanted me to start drinking. He was fascinated by the possibility. He wanted me to screw up my life the way he screwed up his.

Some people simply should not have children. It might negate my existence. If you have children to see them fail instead of giving them the tools to succeed- I don't have the desire to drink. Never in my life did it look cool.

Maybe in black and white movies when someone held a martini in a fancy club and smoked a very long cigarette it was cool. Leave that with RKO Pictures. I don't like the taste. The same can be said for energy drinks.

Those remind me of battery acid. Building a brand on not drinking- why does no one build a brand on quitting smoking? Some say cigarettes are the hardest habit to break. Others come to a decision and never look back.

We're not going back. The other topic is pornography. I spend way too much time on social media and the internet. I mostly hear about pornography from Howard Stern. The same could be said about The Bachelor.

He watches that program and never enticed me to check it out. Just like porn sites. It is a way for Christian sects to make men feel guilty. I have fallen into soft core porn before work. In one film, a well endowed woman was receiving a massage and her masseur took it to the next level.

As I watched this it made me think of ethics. There is a time and place for either massages or intercourse. They do not go together in a massage session. If I go for a massage that is what I want.

I have not had a massage for years. I don't want funny business. The assumption that masseuses are doing something sexual inspired a mass shooting in Atlanta. They weren't "Sinners". They were immigrants trying to do their jobs.

You wouldn't want to watch pornography with me. It degenerates into Mystery Science Theater 3000. The absurdity of the action- it was on in the background at parties and I had better things to do.

The true problem with pornography is that it is a waste of time. I hate where it went with choking and spitting. After Eric Garner and George Floyd why would I want to see anyone choked for any reason?

The time spent watching pornography (it is always mentioned as a monolith) is time you are not spending cultivating relationships and meeting people who might be interested in doing something in private.

The same could be said about LinkedIn Games, Instagram Reels, reality television and other wastes of the limited resource of time. Eight seconds of a well endowed woman jumping up and down is still a waste of time. I do not have access to the LinkedIn video feed. That will probably be a lot of nonsense as well.

To the ones who think pornography ruins marriages- shame on you for thinking those escapades are real life. Pornography, like Artificial Intelligence, is a tool. It is not replacing anything and I am not interested in either.

Topics like these - maybe I should unfollow the ones obsessed with not drinking or talking about how much porn they watch. They had better clear their browser histories. Time is a limited resource. Spend all your time doing something productive that moves your life forward.


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