and for those of you who DON’T OWN A TIME MACHINE....

and for those of you who DON’T OWN A TIME MACHINE....

Here are a few Anti-Aging, Rejuvenation & Autophagy Tips

Father time waits for no-one, who amongst us doesn’t want to look or feel a bit younger?

Believe it or not with a few bio-hacks & tweaks here and there you can slow down & even reverse the ravaging, oxidizing effects of inevitability.

Point of fact is there are alot of simple tricks, hacks & tips that you can introduce today that can enhance how you look and feel (regardless of what dietary or exercise preferences you may have)

Hydration: Maintaining an optimal level of hydration is absolutely essential for health & wellbeing. Read more on page 174 of "Reboot your Bod"

Exercise: Sooooo many ways to feel/reap the benefits, nuff said. However, to gain as far as Anti-Aging purposes are concerned, it's preferable to train within the "Lactate" energy system. As this particular energy system promotes the production of natural growth hormone (this is the hormone that keeps you leaner & younger looking) Think of the kinds of exercises/activities that are made up of short-sharp bursts of all-out effort & exertion the stuff that ramps your heart rate up to all-out chest thumping drum & base session intermingled with short rest/recovery periods...

Breathing: A (correct) full breath cycle should start by using your Diaphragm (i.e. the first 2/3 of a full breath) this is done by “belly” or stomach breathing. Then the remaining (1/3 of your breath cycle) is a chest breath…Who would have thought “how” you breathe matters, but (actually) it does. You can experience benefits of (lowering HR, BP & stress reduction) by meditating or through particular breathing techniques/drills (e.g. prior to sleep) As, if you don’t breathe correctly it can wreak havoc on your nervous & endocrine systems due to excessive amount/production of stress hormones like Cortisol & Adrenaline (which, if you're not careful may lead to "burn-out" or adrenal fatigue if you keep red-lining the body, not sleeping or resting enough (or if you are not "fueling your body adequately) or overly stressed with work/lifestyle etc over a prolonged period of time) With regards to how you breathe (if indeed you have a faulty/incorrect breathing pattern) the body is forced to recruit what's called your secondary respiratory muscles. These muscles are Trapezius, Levator Scapula & SCM are then used by the body to assist the mechanics of breathing to get air in the lungs (i.e. if the Diaphragm isn't being recruited during each breath cycle or when needed during exercise)

Sunlight: There are many positives for getting a daily dose of Sunlight aside from Vitamin D production, immune booster & the feel-good factor. 15-30 minutes per day of direct sunlight is typically recommended. However, watch you don’t over-expose yourself. If you know you'll be outside for a prolonged period make sure to use a lotion with a mod/high sun-factor to prevent getting sun-burn! See, Reboot Page 186

Mental Health: Try (strive) to maintain a positive attitude with good thoughts is absolutely paramount to feeling great too & essential for leading a happy, satisfying and fulfilling life. Dont let little things upset you..Try consciously to remove things (you can't control) that are mentally vexing, worrying, taxing or just plain “toxic” that might be upsetting, irritating or making you feel low or bad? Examples of which can be a variety of factors/situations, people, work or bad/negative-habits etc. Being mindful of how you “feel” enables you to gravitate towards things that make you happier or find enjoyable

Stress Reduction: There are 6 major types of stress these can be Positive or Negative. Focus on increasing ‘Positive” stressors in your life like exercise, sunlight, optimal food choices or manual pressure (i.e. massage) or myofascial release for muscles & lymph system whilst reducing as much “Negative” stress such as Toxins/Poisons, Chemicals & pollutants etc. Some “Stressors” are hard unavoidable such as EMF waves from TVs and Mobiles/Wifi others optional depending on where you live or choose to reside such as Geopathic stressors that include weather/location, altitude/thermal, climate & humidity.

Hot & Cold Treatments: Hot Baths, Steam/Saunas plus Infer-red saunas have great health & detoxification benefits. Cold treatments such as Cryotherapy / Ice baths also have wondrous benefits and promote “brown-fat” thermogenesis (fat burning) as dropping your "core" temperature stimulates elevation in metabolic rate.

Sleep: Try & get the universally recommended 7-9 hours a night. Go to bed & wake up at the same time every day keeps your ”Sleep/Wake” or Circadian rhythm in check. You can use supplements like Melatonin to regulate sleep patterns after holidaying/traveling or if you are suffering from jet-lag after crossing time zones as it helps regulates your sleep pattern back to normal.

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique is an amazingly simple way to re-boot neural pathways. It involves tapping on specific energy points/meridians whilst visualizing or chanting a positive phrase. The idea is to over-stimulate the brain, then like an echo (reduces) is a way to dampen negative thought patterns, anxieties & reduce phobias

Supplementation: Niacin, Melatonin, Test & GH (exercise)

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Foods: Organic is BEST as these foods contain NO (synthetic) Herbicides, Pesticides, Fungicides or Chemical fertilizers (these enter our food chain) The trouble is with Non-Organic produce is that we absorb the toxins/poisons & pollutants (inside foods, or as residue) which is obviously not ideal...

Other things to Bio-hack the body towards optimal health & wellness are by consuming a wide variety of fresh natural produce that contain adequate amounts of Good FATS, Good Proteins, Good Carbohydrates, Phyto-nutrients, Raw foods for “live” Enzymes inclusive of Vitamins & Minerals

Thermogenic Foods: Foods that raise “core” temperature elevate your Metabolic rate (i.e. essentially meanings burning more energy/calories) Foods such as Cayenne Pepper, Wasabi, Horseradish, Mustard and Hot Chilis peppers (see "Thermic-T" recipe in Hang Time)

Salt: Himalayan (pink) salt is the best salt you can use as it contains an abundance of minerals plus 84 trace elements

Bio-photons: These the lowest levels of (measurable) light “energy” harnessed from the sun and contained within ALL fresh fruits and vegetables that haven't been processed! Low-level luminescence have powerful energy-giving properties to cells for healing & rejuvenation (See, Reboot Page 203)

Super-TIP: Consume a “shot” of fresh Wheatgrass daily. This is a strong Alkaline food and super-dense in natural nutrients such as vitamins, minerals & other wonderous health-giving compounds like bio-photons (above) your body will thank you for..

Super-TIP II: Good Fats to consume are Coconut Oil, Butter made from Grass-fed cows, Avocados & Omega 3 from fatty fish Salmon & Mackerel

Super-TIP III: Herbs & Spices are ALL SUPER-FOODS! Fresh Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Pepper (pretty much ALL Herbs & Spices are packed with super-compounds!)

Super-TIP IV: Probiotics such as Kefir (capsules/supplements) or & Pre-biotics from the skin/roughage from vegetables are great BOOSTERS for the immune system that aid GUT health.

Super-TIPS V: Any Pickled or Fermented foods preserved in Vinegar (some kinds of vinegar are better than others) Apple Cider Vinegar with the “mother” is another example of a fantastic SUPER-FOOD. Kim Chi is another example of a fermented “super-food” that helps boost the immune system, gut health & digestive system…

Super-TIPS VI: Raw Garlic is a natural anti-biotic. Raw Ginger is a natural anti-viral. Coconut oil is a natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-oxidant

Simple Weight Loss Tips/Hacks:

  •  Drink ? pint of water before each meal
  •  Eat ? carrot before every meal
  •  If you find yourself getting hungry in-between meals just brush your teeth
  •  Chew (sugar-free) gum in between meals
  • Only eat until you are 80% full
  • Eat your meals on a small-sized plate
  • Slow down eating by chewing food (more)
  • Reward yourself with a Treat or cheat meal (once a week or when you hit a short-term goal/target)
  • Consume Fats and Proteins before eating Carbs (as this tends to reduce the Glycemic Load lessening blood sugar spikes resulting in the production of Insulin)

Foods to Avoid: Anything that causes any kind of negative “reaction” whether mild as what tends to be with things like Dairy & Gluten in the form of aching joints, Bloating, Gas, IBS, whiteheads or spots. To moderate reactions/symptoms, you may experience if you have a shell-food allergy for example that causes a histamine reaction that might trigger a temporary rash or itching to the severest kind of acute reaction that is life-threatening (anaphylactic shock) triggered from a severe allergy nut allergy for example.

Food to avoid II: Anything foods that have been refined, processed, man-made/synthesized - Sugars, Alcohol, Processed Foods, microwaved-foods, Colorants, Additives, preservatives, E-numbers, Nitrates, Hydrogenated-Fats & Trans-fats so basically any Junk foods & Fast foods

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 Detoxification/Autophagy actively encourages cellular healing & rejuvenation:

Giveaway ** “Reboot your Bod” ** Giveaway

 To get your FREE pdf copy of my amazing self-help detoxification program. All you have to do is drop me an email with the subject "REBOOT" to [email protected]

"Reboot your Bod" is a detox program essentially based on liquid fasting with the inclusion of super-nutrients following the elements article (& more) within a 5-7 day program.

 It does exactly what it says on the tin.....

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I highly recommend having some form of detox every 6-12 months to purge the body, reduce toxic load & for cellular repairs i.e. Autophagy

The people who have undertaken "Reboot" are amazed when they drop weight quickly get increased energy levels, lost inches/dress-sizes and experienced (almost) pre-cognitive mental alertness. Most people also noticed a difference in energy levels, brightness/sparkle in their eyes improved quality of skin with reduced swelling/bloating or abdominal inflammation.

Undertaking any "fast" or detox promotes internal wellness & autophagy. The benefits of which far outweigh any temporary or negative side-effects that may be experienced.

What to expect from “Reboot your Bod”

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Personally, I prefer NOT to make assumptions when it comes to anyone's diet (or exercise) rather ascertaining what "they" actually NEED in order to optimize health & wellness. Or, by designing an eating plan for example specifically according to the RESULTS they want (e.g fat-burning/loss) they wish to achieve such as undertaking a Keto-diet for instance.

Eating the right “diet” (i.e. nutrients) for your body-type I feel is the BEST way to enlighten individuals on the various ways you can successfully eat. As many of you will undoubtedly be aware some people do much better on certain foods or “different” ways of eating.

To find a Metabolic Typing advisor or to determine your Metabolic Type please visit for more information

There are diet and conditioning “experts” who say weird things like nothing else matters (for weight-loss) as long as you are in a calorie deficit?! I mean, if you ARE maintaining a calorie deficit but have a Gluten intolerance, for example, you WILL NEVER EVER reduce symptoms associated with the chronic swelling or stomach bloat without first addressing the specific intolerance. Or, you may be in a calorie deficit yet never manage to get rid of those spots/acne if you are consuming the wrong types of foods.

Whereby eating the right types of fresh natural foods positively encourages the promotion of clear skin, great health, good immunity, internal wellness, Vitality & boundless energy! 

Please see visit for more information  


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