Those Two Game Dev Guys
On the 15th of August, me and my game dev compadre, feeling a little exhausted for all our game development work, decided on a break to discuss a fun little and simple idea for a game. The idea was we could knock it together over a couple of weeks as a fun little break (Game development is both our job and our favourite pastime).
Our simple idea, or at least its core functions and assets, we put together within an hour or so. Then we had a cool idea to add to it that, we thought this would compliment what we had got. Then we had another idea, and another idea, and another!
Before we knew it, I had created lots of game assets, characters, and animations. We had level designs, puzzles, many, many lines of code making it all work and basically, a super fun game on our hands. A full blown game.
Five months of joy and creativity, five months of us being our geeky little selves. Just five months, two guys, with two specific skill sets, made a full game. And as much as I'd love to be humble, it's a really good game!
This brings us to today (Wednesday 10th January 2018) we spent 4-6 hours, jumping through our first set of hoops to get the game onto the App Store (Apple's App Store). Although it is the hardest part, it's just as rewarding, especially watching the status over the next few hours go from pending review, to under review, to passed review. So what next? Well it officially launches on the 16th, just 6 days from now. At this point I bet you have questions, well, fear not there's way more information on Winona Wolf over on our website:
Thanks For Reading
See you Soon
Stuart De Ville Co-Founder and Lead Artist @ Level 7 Devil
Special Thanks to the Game Dev Lunch meetup for continued support throughout our little adventure, and the amazing support of both friends and family.