Those Poor Migrants
It wasn't the most pleasant of days with our overcast skies accompanied by a chilling dampness in the air. Fortunately I didn't have to be out in it as much as I was over the weekend, but from the sounds of it, we're supposed to be having more pleasant days for the next seven or more.
The bulk of my morning was spent working on my monthly journals and getting a pile of bills paid and sent off in the mail, and since I managed to burn thru those without any interruptions, I went ahead and balanced a checking account statement which had come in, but unfortunately I there was a ten cent difference, so off I went digging to find it which took longer than expected, but at least my error was discovered and corrected. Most would think me a bit 'touched' when making such a fuss over a dime, but it all goes back to when I worked in a bank's accounting department where I worked really hard at making sure everything was in balance. Yes, it's also creates a challenge for me, just to see if I still have some of the past abilities I once had.
I received a call from a customer I've been working with over these past months who was asking to see a home that was just posted for sale this morning, so I contacted the agent to get access. Fortunately the home was vacant so I could get them in there on such a short. As chance would have it, that particular home was one I had listed some years ago which was sold by an agent from another office.
After getting a really good look at it, we discovered it wasn't going to be a good fit for them, and mostly because of its floor plan and access to the garage. Oh well, at least I now know they're more on a burn to get something purchased, so I'll be watching the new listings more closely from here on out. Unfortunately, they're in a lower price range where many of those homes get sold to investors right out of the gates. Hopefully with our Certificate of Deposit rates now up to four and three-quarter's percent, they'll turn more towards getting far more worry-free returns on their money. Most of our seasoned investors know that being a good landlord takes extra time and money, which is why we're seeing even more of them collecting the rents but not taking care of their investments. I still can't believe when seeing some of our investors now paying well over $100K for homes they're turning into rentals, which makes me a little angry because those could've gone to the many waiting first-time buyers we have. I understand needy, but not greedy.
While going thru some old emails today, I happened upon a somewhat stinging message I received from an investor I sold a property to, who was continually complaining about not getting enough return on her investment, which was getting old very fast. Of course she had nothing good to say when she managed to almost double her money when selling it. Yes, greed has no bounds in the minds of those who worship money as if it were their god.
One of the calls that came in today, was from the owner of 315 Parkridge Drive who's growing more anxious over getting it sold. I did tell him we're still getting showings on it, but since we're in that window of time where our market slows, I assured him it will get sold to the right person, along with reminding him that it only takes one buyer.
With a little time to kill this afternoon, I headed over to St. Paul Lutheran to pick up a copy of a hymn I'll be playing in two weeks which I'd never played before, so after I found what I needed, I decided to plop myself down on the 'old girl's bench', just to make sure everything was still working. Well, after playing three or four Christmas hymns, I found the pedalboard easier to play which came as a bit of a shock, so perhaps playing that grand pipe organ over at First Congregational Church, has markedly improved my pedalboard skills. I'll be hoping today's experience wasn't just a fluke.
After paying closer attention to some things I've noticed about Desantis when he's speaking, I'm now finding that every time I see a photo of him or hear him speak, it's all the more noticeable. Ok, the first thing I've been noticing, is how he opens his mouth when he talks and so much more of his tongue is showing, which makes a person wonder if his tongue is too big for his mouth. And the second thing, is having seen the palms of his hands and see those two deep un-connected lines, which if I remember right, has something to do with being overly rigid to where everything in the world is either black or white, and definitely no gray areas. No, I'm not a 'reader', but I do remember a few things I read some years ago about palm-reading.
It didn't surprise me when reading in the news today where many highly tenured college professors in Florida are leaving their posts, and mostly because of the pressures Governor Desantis is placing on Florida's public schools, colleges and universities. I'll not forget that dirty trick he played when purposely placing those 50+ migrants from Venezuela on a plane in Texas and flown to Martha's Vineyard, just so he could gain more National attention. I have little or no respect for those who look for attention in bad ways, as those poor migrants had no idea he was using them only to gain publicity.
A young gentleman I've been working with stopped by my office to drop something off, and while in conversation, we ended up on the subject of food and cooking. He's likely the first person I've ever spoken with who agrees that if you truly place a good scoop of love in what you're cooking, it always turns out all the better tasting. I've always thought it must be the good vibes coming from the cook that energizes the food being prepared. There's one wannabe who owns a top-of-the-line stove, but still can't cook.
Tonight's One-liner is: Those holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not be trusted by anybody.
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