Those letters behind your name won't help you get more clients

Those letters behind your name won't help you get more clients

Fear of public speaking is the most common phobia on the planet. Ahead of death. Ahead of spiders. And yep…..ahead of heights.

This fear is what the professionals call, “glossophobia.” And it affects about 73% of the population. 

But you know what’s crazy? 

It’s not the act itself that people are afraid of. It’s the underlying fear of judgement that makes it so cringe-worthy.

People are scared shitless to be seen in a negative light. To be laughed at behind their backs. To be called foolish. Or ugly. Or boring. Or…..the list goes on.

But what glossophobia doesn’t take into consideration, is everyone else’s self-obsessed minds. No one is sitting there judging you.They’re all too busy thinking about themselves. And their own problems.

And this? Is exactly what is going on for your potential clients, too.

Hear me out.

Personal trainers are often in hot pursuit of the next best thing. The next certification, the next specialization, the next technique or method.

They think that the more letters they have behind their name, the better.

FMS, CEP, CSCS, PPSC, XFL... I can't even keep track anymore, tbh.

They think, all they need to do is drum up some clout….some authority….and new clients will come racing through the door.

But the problem with that line of thinking (and trust me, I used to think the same thing when I was a trainer), is that your potential clients DO NOT CARE about how many letters are behind your name.

They care about one thing, and one thing only. Whether you can help them, or not.

And I mean, I’m all for higher education. I think you need to be able to safely work with clients, and provide the best service and value that you possibly can.

But if you think that getting certified to do a Functional Movement Screen is suddenly going to create a gaggle of new customers….you’re sadly mistaken.

“I just wanna lose 10 pounds. Why do I need a functional movement screen?”

People only care about how you can help them. And bragging about your education, or speaking in PT jargon, is just going to confuse them.

You wanna attract more customers? Go ahead, get all the certifications you want, and become the best coach on the planet. But don’t flaunt your toolkit, like a seedy watch salesman opening his coat.

Meet your customers where they’re at. And communicate your value in a way they're going to understand. 


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