To those not "called"

To those not "called"

I came across this snippet of information as part of my daily devotions today, that I thought pertinent to one and all. As a matter of interest one of the ten principals taught at RU Addictions is: “Those who do not love the Lord, will not help you serve the Lord.”

 "... all Christians everywhere need to accept personal responsibility for the proclamation of the gospel across all the world. The fact that God has not called you into "full time" service to be a career missionary does not take away your responsibility to see the gospel proclaimed. Even those not "called" to be a career missionary are still commanded to fulfill the Great Commission. Of course, "full time service" should not be reserved for preachers and missionaries, because all Christians are in full time service of the King.

 You are either one of those who go, or one of those who send and support. Either way, you are part of a mission team. The one who goes brings certain vision, capabilities and resources to the partnership, and the supporting team members supply the rest to make-up a winning combination." P.8

 "... my definition of missions and missionaries embraces all activities and people whose primary focus is spreading the good news of Christ to those who do not know Him." P.3, Personal Missionary partnership, Steven Loots


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