Thorne & Derrick NEW BROCHURE
LV, MV & HV Cable, Jointing, Substation & Electrical Equipment
THORNE & DERRICK are national distributors LV, MV & HV Cable Installation, Jointing, Substation & Electrical Equipment - we service UK and global businesses involved in cable installations, cable jointing, substation, overhead line and electrical construction at LV, 11kV, 33kV and EHV.
Since 1985, T&D have established an international reputation based on SERVICE | INTEGRITY | TRUST.
Contact T&D Sales for 3M, ABB, Alroc, AN Wallis, CATU, Cembre, Centriforce, CMP, CSD, Elastimold, Ellis Patents, Emtelle, Euromold, Filoform , Furse, Lucy Electric & Zodion, Nexans, Pfisterer, Polypipe, Prysmian, Roxtec, Sicame, WT Henley.
We welcome your future enquiries and opportunity to be of service - contact me on +44 (0)117 935 9421 or [email protected]