Samson’s second marital relationship was the great tragedy that tore his life in pieces. He fell in love with yet another beautiful lady, this time in“the valley of Sorek”. Wait! I want you to hear me again: the anointed Samson fell in love with a “valley of Sorek” beauty, called Delilah. While ‘Sorek’ means “Choice”, Delilah means “to be low or hang low”. Never go down to the valley of human choice in life, lest you hang out with hang low. Never seek your marriage partner in “the valley of choice”. lest she pulls you down the sinkhole.
Samson went to the valley of choice and had a ‘hang low’ for a wife. It sounds funny, but that exactly is what use to happen when eagles descend low to flock with chickens in the earth surface. Spiritual people must always resist any attempt by destiny foes to bring them down from the mountain top. We are supposed to dwell in the presence of God. Christians are eagles, not chicks. We are to soar in the sky, not roaming in the valley. Your God’s given partner is one of those soaring eagles in the air. Bother not to visit the valley. When Samson went down to the valley of choice, he found a beautiful hang low called Delilah. And it was by this relationship that the mighty Samson began his walk on the precipice of life.