Linked In are running a nice discussion on what is success, and asked for a contribution. It is a beautiful blue sky, crisp air, green-russet-gold leaf morning, so what better time to freewheel some thoughts on how I see success....
Love the journey = fulfilment, and the arrival = the excitement
Live life as a constant and wonderful chance to challenge oneself, grow & learn, not as a test
Liberate the possibility people have inside themselves. I love this so much as a coach .... the joy of asking someone a great question, and seeing their eyes light up as they make new meaning for themselves
Understand your own purpose in life, and work with people / organisations whose purpose is in sync with yours
For those 'mid-lifers' among us .... know the best is yet to come, you are now at your most useful ... you have the wisdom and intuition of experience, you have energy & resilience, and your ego is calm .... make sure you live the next 9000 days (yes, take a moment to absorb that ... 9000 days!) of your life to the full....
As a leader, shine a light through your organisation, rather than cast a shadow. They do what you do, not what you say. So be authentic, set and hold vision & culture, and treat people - everyone - as you like to be treated yourself
Create an environment where people share their vulnerabilities and failures - that way trust will build, and everyone learns rather than blames
In my life, I have launched myself in to unchartered waters every 3-5 years - a new country, a new type of market, a new type of role ... every time scarey and delicious .. I had highs & lows, I forged new relationships, I experienced new aspects of our amazing world ... and always I was better and more useful to myself and to others as a result.
Treat your children with the same respect you afford other adults, and ask your children for advice - it is golden
To Eat, Sleep, Laugh & Love someone
The best is yet to come!
Peter Soer
Coach, CMO, NED
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3 core Business life capabilities: Critical thinking, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence