The Thirty Percenters
Marcelo Mainzer
Imagineer | Egalitarian, Eco-Village, Makers Districts, run as a Workers Cooperative Corporation
Thirty percent, or around there, is the number of American voters who believe the Big Lie that the 2020 Election was stolen from Trump. It's seventy percent of the current Republican party. Thirty percent who favor the status quo at best and a return to a past that never existed at worst. Thirty percent who fervently want to overturn Roe vs Wade, thirty percent who want unconstrained gun laws. Thirty percent who speak of civil war.
The Framers faced much of the same politicing and corruption by power that current administrations face. One would think that after two hundred plus years of U.S. existence it would have learned that the Framers had the highest asperations for a fair and just society and must have understood that it was impossible in their era of having to have a representative government instead of a unified true Democracy. If the country were to be united it had to balance power between the high population states and the more rural and mostly Southern states. I think the framers expected that their documents would grow and live adapting to the times, not be anchors holding back progress to the goals of a fair and just Society.
Currently we have the communications technology to safely record each Citizens votes yet we have retained the the system which gives a minority of the populations a greater share of the power than their numbers deserve. Their argument is they need the handicap to balance the population centers on the coasts. "Why should all the decisions be made on the coasts"? the cry, Because they make up a greater number of the voting public. The Electoral Collage and the Senate branch of Congress are hold overs from an earlier age and need to be dismantled if the visions of the Framers are to become reality.
Seventy percent of the People are in favor of a more fair just society which honors each persons existence by supporting them in fulfilling their potential. The minority should be listened to but not obeyed. It is far and away time that America live up to its potential as the freest country in the world from absence of necessity; where every baby is born in to a world that welcomes them with everything they need to succeed in fulfilling their potential, including the thirty percenters. Progress demands change and sacrificing the past on the alter of a more positive future.